𝕆𝕔 #𝟚𝟚

83 3 18

Heyo! This Oc belongs to  GundhamsKazoo

Bold text is my writing!
Normal text is theirs!

Name: Touya Tsugimi

Hmm, interesting name

Nicknames: none, just gets called Tsugimi

:0 I'm getting kind of a loner vibe from him and I haven't read the rest yet-

Gender: Male (femboy)

We love a femboy

Age: 17

Zodiac sign: Cancer - 21st June

Cancer king ♋

Sexuality: Gay

We S T A N a gay icon

Height: 5'4

Oh man he short- kind of adorable tho ngl

Weight: 51kg

Ethnicity: 1/3 filippino, 2/3 japanese

That's a really cool mix!

Ultimate: Flower experimenter

Oooo haven't heard that one before- I'm excited to read more

Crush: Fuyuhiko

Who wouldn't love Boss baby?

Bestfriends: Peko, Kazuichi, Gundham

Awww  omg I can just see them in a friendgroup-

Enemy: Sonia (killed her)

Omg what did Sonia do to hIm-

Siblings: Amoni Tsugimi, trans little sister

We Stan a trans queen

Appearance: Tan skin, Vitiligo. Cinnamon brown hair, short messy. Yellow, white striped shirt (long sleeved). Denim overalls over the shirt with a pocket on front, on the middle. A small daisy in the pocket.


also I'm sorry but his outfit reminded me of Phineas from Phineas and FerB- BUT IM WHEEZING IDNDJD

Backstory: Grew up parent's lab. Would play with his dad's chemicals and would test them on plants. Their biggest expiriment was when they were 16, he managed to creat the first living plant. Living as in, it was moving in it's own and making strange noises.

I oddly like this- it shows a lot through his talent and it's something that I never knew exsisted. So cool

Personality: Joyful, moody

A d o r a b l e

Likes: Over sizing plants (likes using his chemicals to grown plant taller than a building), oversized hoodies, coffee, flowers, shipping people on the island together for fun


I wanna ship people for fun with him-

Dislikes: Bugs/grubs, Being lonely, Witnessing executions

Gonta: 👁️💧👄💧👁️

Fears: Accidentally creating a plant that would backfire and most likely kill him.

Yeah that wouldn't be f u n

my AU Fuyuhiko, Souda, Akane, Hinata and Gundham survive. (Nekomaru sacrificed, commited die T-T)

Gundham deserved to livE

Killed Sonia after hearing she was planning to kill Souda and/or Gundham. (i haven't decided qwq) He apologised to everyone for the murder of Sonia before he gets dragged away.

;-; poor dude just wanted to protecc

Lost in a maze.
Tsugimi is at the start of a corn maze. The goal is set at the centre of the maze. He runs into the maze trying to find his way to the middle. Everytime he came to a dead end monokuma would pop out from in the corn with a chainsaw, cutting touya. He kept going till he made it to the end, bleeding all over. At the end there was a X mark on the floor saying goal on it. A giant plant growing from the ground, reaches it's vines to Touya wrapping the vines around him, hanging him over it's mouth, opening it. It then drops Touya into it mouth, still open. The inside of it's mouth is spiky and thorny and it slowly start closing. Touya is too weak from losing too much blood, so he sits there mouthing "I'm sorry." The plant then shuts it's mouth, pink blood spilling out of it.

H oly


now this

This is very creative and I love it- I didn't think of this when I thought execution and I'm honestly so suPrised and I love it! Nice work

Unused murder: strangled with vines with he was experimenting in his cabin.

Holy- so who would be the Blackened?

THe plAnT?-

Reaction to body: just stands there, shocked

He do be a little

S h o o k

Additional Info: Was in the same middle school as Kazuichi, but was scared of rejection to ask him to be his friend. Only got enough courage when they went to Hope's peak. (yes, he's been wanting to be his friend since Kaz had black hair.)

Awww, that's adorable. Kinda like the Makoto and Sayaka situation- but that's so ejdjjdd

Anywho! Thank you sm for submitting! I give him a 16/10!

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