Chapter 15

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Percy's P.o.V.

"Dude!! You said what?!" Leo laughed, giving me a punch. "No wonder she's mad at you!"

"Whatever. Just look at the bomb Leo, and do your job." I grumbled.

Leo laughed again. "With that attitude, everyone''ll hate you by breakfast tomorrow."

We were standing in bunker nine, and Leo had the singed parts of the three bombs on his work bench. He bent over examining them.

"They look almost like a God made them, but there is definate human error, here, here, and here." He pointed to practically identical singed lumps of bomb. "I'd say a demigod made them."

"Melenie?" I asked, frowning.

"No way. These are too sophisticated for a normal demigod. Whoever built these was driven by hate, and they probably aren't in our camp." Leo replied, prodding at the pieces.

"That guy Merikk again?"

"Maybe, but I thought he was after Piper, not Jason and Annabeth. Also, I dropped Greek fire on his head. I don't think he's an issue."

I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. Someone was blowing up my camp, and I needed to find out who.

"Wait a second." Leo yelped.
"These bombs were made by different people! You can see the difference in these lines, see?"

I nodded as he pointed to another indistinguishable black lump. "So we've got three bombers running loose?"

"Or a group. The demigod equivalent of terrorism." Leo said.









Piper's P.o.V.


Percy Jerkson.

Percy the jerk.

Jerkson the jerk.


I jumped in shock as Melenie Parker leaped in front of me, her eyes a startling shade of blue. Weird, because earlier her eyes had been green.

"Piper! I'm so sorry! I don't know what happened. Last night there was this guy, and he was really cute. He did something too me, He got inside my head!"

"Melenie! Slow down. What's going on?"

Melenie took a deep breath. "Last night, I was going on my evening swim, when this really cute guy came up to me. We swam for a while, and then he kissed me. I think he possessed me, because after that I couldn't control myself!"

Holy Jerkson!


Thanks to @TJ_the_peach for the really nice comment on my last chapter.

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