Chapter One - Just For Safety Measures

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Naturally, we were both feeling extremely unsafe, all alone at our places. Being a single girl in your early twenties, you feel like you have to watch out for a creeper or kidnapper around every corner. But then you hear that three different dudes were on the loose for kidnapping and murder?

Oh no ma'am.

So of course, we used that as an excuse to have a super long sleepover. Luna offered to be the host of the party since her house is gigantic. There are so many different rooms in that house; we could each have our own separate room each night. Why would she need so many rooms if she lives alone? We were obviously still going to sleep in the same room though. If we don't it kinda defeats the entire purpose of staying over, you know? It'll be a lot more fun too.

When she picked me up from my dreary-looking apartment building, she was so giddy and excited, despite the reason why I was sleeping over. We sang along with a playlist of Beyoncé's best songs that was blaring in the car while making our way through the streets, not caring enough to notice the stares (and the occasional smiles and laughs) we got at red lights. After rolling down the window and singing to a random stranger at the last red light before we arrived at Luna's house, we jumped out of her car and laughed all the way down the walkway and through the front door. By the time we got there we were still giggling, and gasping for air while holding our sides and leaning on our knees.

"Holy hell," Luna exhaled while throwing her purse onto the couch. I followed suit with my mini backpack. She hopped over the armrest of her black couch and landed on her stomach, grabbing the remote from under it and switched the TV on.

"I'm gonna take a shower," I said with the last of my giggles leaving my mouth.

Luna sat up from her previous position on the couch with a grunt, "I'll go after you."

"You have a million bathrooms dummy. We could go at the same time."

"And then spend 30 minutes trying to find a show afterward? I'd rather not. If I don't find anything before you're done, which I probably won't, then I'll pass it over to you - dummy," she added.

I shrugged. "Makes sense." I turned on my heel and dragged my suitcase full of stuff needed for the week behind me, choosing the room at the end of the hallway as the room for tonight. I dug into my suitcase, choosing a basic black t-shirt and a pair of comfy grey pajama shorts, grabbing underwear and a towel.

During my shower, I heard Luna call me from the living room. "Uhm, Y/N-" she yelled to me, sounding audibly worried, with a hint of confusion laced in her tone, "I think I might've heard something outside!"

She probably watched the trailer for a horror movie and got paranoid, because I do that constantly. I grinned at her as I rinsed the soap off of my face in the warm shower water. But then my mind traveled back to all the crazy people on the loose, and my anxiety went through the roof. I turned off the water and quickly stepped out, drying my face.

"Coming out now!"

I dried the rest of my body and my hair, quickly trying to put on my clothes without tripping, falling on my face, and dying right there in the bathroom. Grabbing a pair of fuzzy socks from my suitcase on the way out, I joined a paranoid looking Luna in the kitchen. She was making ramen for the both of us, and I could see her hands shaking slightly.

"Hey," I said, trying not to startle her, failing miserably. Her body went stiff, and she turned quickly to see me standing there, looking anxious myself, which probably wasn't helping. Her eyes immediately softened, and her shoulders relaxed at my presence.

"Look, Luna," I sighed making my way over to where she was standing, "I know what happened, and I know it's scary, and I know it's sad. But you have me, and I'm counting on you to be brave. So is she. So promise me you won't let some twisted asshole scare you. All he is is a human. A human. Someone we can catch and throw in jail to rot for a long time. We're gonna catch that son of a bitch. Together."

"Ok-" she seemed to hesitate like she was starting to doubt herself, but then answered with a confident, "Yea. We are."

I couldn't help but smile, causing Luna to break out into a grin herself.

"You should go take your shower now."

"Nah, I gotta go read an email and check out some B.O.L.O.S. I think I have a few reports to look at too."

"Aw, Luna! You didn't tell me you had work to do!"

(I know they are after you during the first night, but I decided to have that night be normal for story purposes. THANK YOU FOR READING!)

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