Chapter Seven - Home Sweet Home

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(F/C) - Favorite Color

(F/M/A) - Favorite Music Artist

(F/C/S) - Favorite Cartoon Show

When I woke up, we were driving much slower than before, and then we stopped. I guess I woke up just in time. I sat up a bit taller and took a look around as Tanner was getting out of the car. The sun was rising, and it looked beautiful over the water.

Over the water?

Tanner opened the car door for me, "Where are we at? I thought we were going to your house," I questioned him, my voice groggy and my eyes squinted at him.

"We are at my house, we just arrived, (Y/N)," he answered, laughing a little at my tired state.

"Then why are we at the beach? We're at the beach, stupid," I corrected Tanner, wobbling out of the car and towards him, almost falling over. "God damn, I'm tired..." I mumbled to myself, rubbing my eyes and looking up at him.

"Look that way, doll," he said, grinning at me and grabbing my chin, turning it to the side.

I had to keep my jaw from dropping all the way down to the floor. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The house was a light sandy color, almost blending in with the beach around it. It was situated on a giant stretch of concrete that was laid on top of a small cliff just above the sand. It was a little further back from the actual cliff, but if you walked through what looks like a glass door, you could walk all the way to the end and sit at the edge. The beach was completely empty for what looked like miles. The house looked to be two stories tall, but it was longer than it was tall. Through the large glass windows, I could see what looked like an office on the second floor that overlooked the beach, and a living room on the first floor.

"Holy Fathers of Chicken Nuggets and French Fries..."

Tanner just laughed quietly at me and began walking towards the gigantic house, pausing when he didn't hear my footsteps behind him.

"Are you coming, (Y/N)?"

"Yea - Yea - I'm right behind you..." I half-whispered and half breathed out, still flabbergasted at how gigantic this house was. The house along with the car? Where's the money flow coming from?

I waited quietly as he unlocked the front door, still looking up at the enormous house. I rubbed my eyes a second time, just to make sure I wasn't still passed out in the basement of some random girl's house.

When he opened the door and we both stepped in, I just had to ask, "Okay mister, where did you get all of the money to buy this big ass house and that car? Do you rob banks as a pass time or something? Are you stealing stacks, sir?" He chuckled and was about to answer, but before he could speak I continued, "Do you sell drugs? This looks like a drug dealer's house. Y'know, like the ones you see in the movies?" I questioned him, my eyes wide.

"Though my line of work is tedious and what some may call vulgar, you'd be surprised at how well it pays," he answered simply, slipping off his black shoes and walking into the gigantic living room. I guess that makes a lot of sense. He's probably being paid to kill people. Or maybe he sells body parts and all that other black market shit.

I was going to take off my own shoes, but I realized I was still only in fuzzy socks. Goddammit, Tanner.

"You'll be staying in the room at the end of the hall on the left. Mine is across from yours, on the left side. You can place things wherever you'd like. I'll probably be in my office - which is the very last door in the hall - if you need anything," he said, walking off somewhere around the corner. I walked up the stairs to go check out my room, and when I opened the door, I stopped in the doorway. I didn't know if I should be scared or pleasantly surprised.

The bed sheets were a bright (F/C), and a few stuffed animals and plushes from my favorite shows were laid up against the pillows. Next to the bed was a white dresser with three drawers, and on top of it was a (F/C) lava lamp, and a smaller circular lamp that could change colors. There were also two rolls of LED lights that I could hang up wherever. On the other side of the bed was a door that was slightly open, and from what I could see through the crack in the door, it looked like a bathroom. On the other side of the room was a second door with a mirror built into it. Next to this door stood a decent-sized white table with a black cushioned spinning chair in front of it. On the table were a few sketchbooks and a cup full of pencils, pens, and a few cases which I assumed were full of other art materials. Along with those were (F/M/A) and (F/C/S) posters with several thumbtacks, which I assumed he wanted me to hang up where I wanted.

As I stepped in and closed the door behind me, I couldn't fight the smile that forced itself on my face, which then turned into a shocked laugh. That asshole must've been stalking me for a long ass time. How did he know how much I love drawing? Or my favorite shows? My (F/M/A) obsession was probably obvious, but everything else? How long was that bastard watching me for? And how did I not see him until just a few days ago?

"Holy shit," I breathed, walking to the bed and getting in, deciding to sleep the day away and worry about everything else tomorrow.

(I swear I'm not lying when I say that I listened to the 'Chika Dance' on repeat for the entire hour and a half that I spent writing this chapter. I don't know how it happened, and I don't know if I should be disappointed in myself or not - but chile - anyways, I will have the next chapter out tomorrow, and it has already been written, so from now on I'm going to try to stay ahead of schedule. Writing is hard :(. Remember to vote and comment because it helps the story be seen by more people. THANK YOU FOR READING!)

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