Chapter Six - Stupid Brain

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I had almost no idea how long we were driving for, but it was a pretty long time. I had no idea where we were going either, but I honestly didn't have the energy to care. I was just really fucking bored. I would be playing a game on my phone right now if I had it. So I decided to try to bother Tanner a bit. He's just going to have to deal with it, considering he's the one who brought my ass here.

"Hey, Tanner," he hummed to me and I continued, "How much longer?" I complained.

"We're just crossing the border into a different state. The house is still relatively far into the state and fairly secluded, so we'll probably arrive by morning," Tanner explained, using a bunch of big words unnecessarily, making me feel like a big dummy.

"So you're not gonna sleep until we get there?" I asked him, confused as to why he didn't include a motel or something in the picture.

"This won't be the first time I've gone a night or two without sleeping, so this is completely fine to me. You, on the other hand, need to sleep. Being unconscious isn't exactly equivalent to sleep," Tanner lectured me, but I guess he was right.

He looked to his side, quickly smiling at me before placing his eyes back on the road.

His eyes. I could barely see them in the dim light of the headlights and the glowing radio. But they still shined brightly, like little brown pools of glistening water.

Look at me, getting all poetic about the eyes of my kidnapper.

I pulled my knees to my chest and leaned back into the black leather seat a bit more, trying to take Tanner's advice about getting some sleep. But I couldn't help but constantly sneak peeks at his face, finally taking a second to really study his facial features.

His eyebrows curved perfectly over his friendly-looking brown eyes, and barely-visible freckles were spread across his cheeks. He had fairly sharp cheekbones and visible laugh lines, probably from smiling as much as he does. His hair was slicked back in a messy looking way that just added to his overall adorableness.

Wow. Would you look at that. I just called my kidnapper - who is currently holding me hostage - adorable. I must be just as insane as he is. Stupid brain.

I sighed as I looked at his pretty face for a few more seconds before resting my cheek on my knee and gazing out the window. As I watched the highway dash before my eyes, I drifted off into a much-needed deep sleep.

(Sorry this chapter is a whole lot shorter. I was going to add the arrival at Tanner's house to this chapter, but I decided to split it into Chapter Seven so this chapter wouldn't be unnecessarily long. There probably won't be a chapter posted tomorrow because because I have to go over to a cousin's place for the day, and I'm sorry. :( I will try my best to get the next chapter posted the day after. Please vote and comment, it help a whole lot. THANK YOU FOR READING!)

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