Chapter Five - Sorry About That

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I woke up leaning against a wall, the cold floor beneath me. My hands were tied tightly behind my back, and my ankles were tied together. Moving them at all caused me a lot of pain.

I heard a single voice in the room. But I saw two figures. My vision was still clearing, so I couldn't make out who they were, only what was being said. My mouth wasn't duct-taped, and I wasn't gagged or anything, but I chose to keep my mouth shut and listen.

"Still strong enough, yet the half-life of this dosage shouldn't last this long," the person, apparently a man, mumbled to himself, "Or perhaps it's the dosage that's wrong... no, no..."

I furrowed my brow and squinted my eyes, trying to get my vision to clear a bit faster, which helped almost immediately. I tried my hardest to keep from making any sound as Luna's unconscious face came into view. To my horror, that same man that had attacked us was sitting with his back to me. He was slouched against the metal table and had his head resting in his hand, a position that made him look like a child. His leg bounced with impatience, emphasizing how immature he looked already.

"Ah, she should've metabolized this by now..." Our kidnapper muttered to himself again, his voice tainted with slight irritation.

I heard a choked gasp, and my head shot up to look at Luna's face, contorted in discomfort.

"There we are, it's about time you woke up! I admit I'm no master chemist, but one wouldn't expect the average dose of midazolam would have such a lingering effect on a woman of your age," he rambled on, getting up from his seat across from Luna, "It's not like you're that old."

"I hope you're still capable of speech despite the side effects. I hear euphoria is one of them, so - you're welcome."

After coughing a bit and looking visibly fatigued, Luna finally responded, "You - drugged me..."

The man scoffed, "Oh, only enough to drag your body out of the bathroom, through your front door, and take you all the way down here. Along with your friend, who was trying her best to protect both of you. It was quite cute, really," he explained, gesturing to me but thankfully not looking back. He still didn't know I was awake. Luna looked in my direction and saw that I was up and alert, but decided not to say anything. Thank god.

"It's easier to talk business when it's just the three of us down here, alone. Wouldn't want someone to interrupt our conversations, would we?"

Luna's shock and confusion quickly turned into anger. "Wha - What the fuck do you mean!? You drugged us and pulled us away... and for what? What do you-" She was cut off by the psycho mastermind as he shushed her like she was a 3 year old.

"Let's begin with the introductions. Seeing as how I already know so much about you and your pretty friend here, Luna, it would be rude to keep you further in the dark," he said cheerily, and I cringed as he called me pretty. "My name is Tanner, and it is a pleasure!"

Tanner. That's the name of our kidnapper. Seems like a pretty normal name for a crazy person/kidnapper/killer.

"Tanner..." Luna repeated, "Oh - okay now, what do you want from us?!"

Tanner tilted his head to the side and spoke, "By the tremble in your voice I can tell that you're worried about being violated and beaten - perhaps eaten alive? Understandable given all of the vile, incompetent people you've uncovered so far." His attempts and trying to sympathize with her were failing miserably, and making me even more anxious.

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