Chapter Two - That Can't Be Him, Can It?

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(F/A) - Favorite Artist

I woke up the next morning alone in Luna's giant comfy bed. Am I the only one who feels super drowsy before and after I go to sleep? Or is that just me? I don't know how people wake up all refreshed and stuff.

I take my face out of the pillow and swing my legs over the side of the bed. I'm immediately slapped in the face with a heavenly smell. I took a deep breath and knew what I was smelling instantly. Luna's bomb-ass pancakes. Hell yes. I popped out of bed in one swift motion, almost tripping over the side of the bed as I turned the corner and slid out of the room on my socks.

"Pancakes!" I practically screamed as I slid across the hardwood floor of the kitchen. Luna immediately started laughing at my childishness, replying with a breathy "Yup!"

I sat on her couch and grabbed my phone, still smiling like a crazy person. I realized I hadn't checked my phone all night, and my phone was drowning in notifications from Instagram, Twitter, and a group chat with all of my friends in it. I did my best to go through them all, and while I was scrolling through all of my friend's texts, Luna put a plate of pancakes on my lap, and I completely forgot what I was doing.

"We should go to the mall today," she suggested while I was eating (more like stuffing my face).

I swallowed, "Don't you have work though? It's Tuesday."

"I work from home remember? I have to work, but no one can tell me when I have to." Procrastination at its finest. But I'm not complaining.

I nodded, finishing my food. I walked back to my suitcase, grabbing a baggy pair of ripped jeans and a black tank top. It was more of a crop top than a tank top. I hadn't noticed it was this small, I just threw it in. On the front, in rainbow letters was, "NOT TODAY," and below it in a tinier print was, "(or tomorrow.)" I shrugged and threw the outfit on, grabbing a zip-up hoodie that was way too big for me and putting it on my shoulders, hoping to hide how small my shirt was. I did the rest of the essentials in the bathroom, not really caring enough to brush my hair. When I was walking down the hallway, Luna was waiting for me, and she giggled and said, "Good thing we're going to the mall."

I playfully glared and stuck my tongue out at her. She just laughed some more and handed me my small backpack. Then we were off.

We visited multiple stores, but spent most of our time at Hot Topic, grabbing merchandise from our favorite shows, movies, and artists. I only noticed how much (F/A) stuff I bought after I paid for it. No regrets.

We were getting pretty hungry, and it was around lunchtime, so we walked to the food court. After standing there trying to agree on what to eat, we settled on some simple pizza. Luna went to go order it while I found a place to sit. I was happy to rest my feet after walking around the mall for probably about 2 hours. I took off my jacket and put a (F/A) shirt on over my crop/tank top, which I purposefully bought a million sizes too big. I was about to dig in my backpack for my phone, but I paused. I felt that terrible sensation that you feel when someone has their eyes on you. I looked around and saw no one. I tried to dismiss it as paranoia, but the feeling only got worse and worse as time went on. I whipped my head up and looked around swiftly, catching a pair of brown eyes studying me not too far away. When I locked eyes with him, he didn't look away, and neither did I. I started to feel really uncomfortable making random eye contact with this dude, but I couldn't help but stare, because he looked oddly familiar. I have to admit, he was pretty handsome. But after a few more seconds of squinting at his face, he turned and walked swiftly in the other direction. That's when I knew. The brown eyes and clean looking hair. That was the guy. From Luna's documents last night. The killer. I swear my eyes flew straight out of my head. Luna must've seen that as she was coming back with our pizza, so she gave me a joking, "What the hell's wrong with you?"

"I - I saw- the guy." I tried to hint at what I meant because I was too afraid that he could still be watching us.

She didn't get it. So I just ended the conversation, hoping to just tell her in the car.

We finished eating and started packing up to finally leave. We saved the rest of the pizza to heat up and eat tonight. Anxiety was still sitting like a boulder in my stomach, and I was praying that we could just get to the car without getting jumped. But my heart melted and flowed down to the bottom of my chest when I saw him for the second time. Why me? We were walking straight ahead to our car in the parking lot, and he was walking with his back to us, on our left, headed towards the left side of the lot.

He turned. He stared right into my soul, and I stopped in the middle of crossing the road. I snatched up Luna's arm, wanting her to see what I was seeing. She gasped and froze just as solid as I had. But he didn't take his eyes off of me.

Then he smiled and winked at me.

Fortunately, he turned back around and kept walking, but as soon as he did, I gripped Luna's arm and speed-walked all the way to the car, looking back several times while doing so. We both practically fell into the car and locked all of the doors. Then we just sat there, wide-eyed and breathing heavily. Luna seemed to regain her composure first because she turned on the car and slowly placed her hands on the steering wheel.

"Oh my god." That was all she could really say. I couldn't say a thing. I just sat there, my mind racing.

Is he following us? What if he follows us home? Why was he there? Why was he looking at ME?

There was no singing or music in the car. It was just silent. We were too shook up to even try to take our minds off of what we just saw.

We arrived at the house. Still silent. It was around 3 pm, and we still had some daylight left. We agreed to both take our showers and prepare for a night of extreme fun, to try to forget what had happened. Tonight was going to be fun.

(I will most likely post the next part tomorrow or the day after. THANK YOU FOR READING!)

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