Chapter Four - Stolen Goods

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As the footsteps passed the bathroom door and faded down into the hallway, a deep voice rang out in a language I didn't understand. I think it was Russian. After finishing his unknown statement, the man who was in the house chuckled lowly, sending chills down my spine. Then the heavy footsteps were moving quickly, this time loud and clear. What was he doing?

Then I heard 2 different grunts. One was quiet, and one was pretty loud. I heard the sound of something large hitting the floor. That was when I realized:

They were fighting. They were fighting each other.

No way. Two crazy people broke into the same house at the same time. Great minds think alike I guess. Just our luck. I unlocked the bathroom door and opened it as slow as possible, moving like molasses across the bedroom floor. I slowly pressed my head against the door, trying to figure out what was happening. This wasn't a good idea, but I didn't want to be sitting there in the bathroom, clueless as to what was happening in the same building.

One was clearly overpowering the other. I just couldn't figure out who. Until the Russian man growled a curse loudly, and then it was silent. All I heard was heavy breathing and a couple of soft footsteps. I'm guessing someone won the fight. But who?

The silence was broken by a soft, childish sounding giggling. It was muffled by the door, but I heard the front door open and close. I knew it was the front door because Luna's front door is way louder than all of the other doors in the house, and when you open it, it creaks so loud, you can hear it throughout the entire house. 

He left.

I slowly unlocked the door and turned the doorknob, anticipating what was on the other side. I couldn't help but gasp so hard at what I saw, that it hurt my throat to do so. I saw the body of a large, muscular man. The absence of hair on his head helped me to recognize him as the kidnapper and sex trafficker from another one of Luna's documents. His black shirt was soaked, and he was lying dead in a pool of his own blood. An empty syringe that was sticking out of the side of his neck told me exactly who did it. From where I was, I saw something shine in the darkness next to his limp figure. A knife.

Crawling on all fours, I reached Luna's cracked phone that was still sitting in the hallway. I tried to pick it up and turn it over, but instead, got a small piece of glass in my hand.

"Just perfect," I whispered in anger. I tried a second time to turn it on, but it was completely busted. I stood slowly from my place in the middle of the dark hallway and began to tiptoe towards my own phone, which was in my backpack, on the couch. I grabbed my backpack and resisted doing a happy dance when my phone screen shined into my face. I heard the sound of a door opening, and before I could process what I just heard, I was caught from behind and slammed against the ground in one swift motion, my head harshly hitting the hardwood floor this time around. I was seeing stars, and I could barely make out the face of the same guy from the mall. He was smiling at me as he injected me with the same drug that he had used on Luna. His creepily friendly looking face was the last thing I saw before I could only see darkness.

(I'm sorry that this chapter is a bit short, but I promise the next one will be longer. I'm cutting straight to the ending scene for story purposes. The next chapter will be up sometime during the weekend. If not then, then sometime early next week. Also, it would help a whole lot if you voted and commented so my story will be seen by more people. THANK YOU FOR READING!)

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