Chapter Ten - Shopping Spree

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(F/C) - Favorite Color

(W/B) - White or Black, whichever goes best with your favorite color

I always liked visiting areas like this. Just a bunch of small businesses lined up and open, like a mall, but outside! They go on for several blocks, and it's so much fun to walk along the street and stop by any store that catches my eye. I'm not big on shopping at all, but I'm so addicted to window shopping that I think it may be unhealthy. Also, I live for the little cafés or ice cream places that pop up along the way.

We obviously stopped in front of a shoe store first, because I was still only in my fuzzy (F/C) socks, which were very dirty by now. On the front in big red letters was 'Tread' the name of the store. The outside and inside of the building were painted grey, and on the inside, I saw multiple different types of shoes, and a couple of racks and shelves filled with hats, jackets, and t-shirts. Normal shoe store stuff.

"You obviously can't go in, right?" I looked his way, and he reached into his left pocket and pulled out his wallet, taking out some cash. I sighed and rolled my eyes, hating the fact that I was about to use money that wasn't mine to buy shoes.

"That's right. So you can go in and choose whatever you like. Make sure you buy at least one pair for running, for obvious reasons," he answered, leaning back in his seat. "No running away. I will catch you." His voice dropped to a more serious tone, but the smile never left his face, making him seem all the more intimidating.

Humming a quiet response, I stepped out of the car and walked into the air-conditioned store, feeling a wave of cool air hit the top of my head as I stepped through the open doorway.

Taking what Tanner said into consideration, I headed towards an area of the store that looked like it had more running shoes, and walked up and down the aisles, searching for a pair of shoes that struck my interest. As I was walking, I noticed a slow song playing very quietly, and looking up, I spotted a speaker right above my head. It was a perfect mix of R&B and soulful jazz. I stood in place and took a second to listen, my body beginning to sway to the music slowly as I listened to what sounded like the last chorus before the ending of the song.

See you face to face

I'm thinkin' bout the days we used to be

But I can't make it seem, no I can't make it seem

Like I want you, you

Even if it's true

Even if it's true

I hadn't realized I had gotten lost in the music until I was pulled out of my trance by the ending of the song, it being replaced by some popular pop song that constantly plays on the radio. I paused where I stood for a second, replaying what I had heard in my head, imprinting the lyrics in my mind so I could type them into the YouTube search bar later on.

I looked around me, finding a single shoe on display on the shelf behind me. It was all (W/B), complimenting the (F/C) Nike symbol on each side of the shoe. I crouched down and looked to see if my size was on one of the grey and white boxes stacked below the shoe on display. I found my size - or what I think was my size, I don't remember what my size is exactly - and whispered a celebratory, "Yes!"

With that box in hand, I moved to the other side of the store, finding a simple pair of black and white high top converse. I paid for them with the money that Tanner had given me, only spending about $125. I opened one of the boxes, untying the converse and slipping them over my socks, happy to finally have shoes on.

I sank back down into the leather seat, humming the song that I had heard back in the store, which was now stuck in my head. I kept the leftover $400 in my hand, assuming that Tanner was going to force me into a number of different stores, which he did, and I whined through all of it.

By the time we decided to head back to Tanner's drug dealer hideout, the back seat of the car was filled with bags, and I was tired as hell. I have no idea how much money he had just spent on me, because after about $500 I got tired of counting. All I know is that it was a whole lot.

"I gotta pay you back somehow. This is just too much, and it's not gonna feel right if I don't," I spoke up while I walked through the front door with bags hanging from my arms. He of course said there was no need to, but after I while of me whining at him, he answered, "I'll probably have you meet someone I know, and a few other things maybe. It's a secret for now." He grinned at me before leaving me at the door to my room, walking downstairs to do god knows what.

(Thank you so much to everyone that stayed with me and waited the past few days, and thank you for all of your kind words. It means so much :). Apparently I'm going on like a two day trip tomorrow, so I'm going to try to write a few chapters ahead now and post them while I'm out of town. Please vote and comment to help my story be seen, and THANK YOU FOR READING!)

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