Chapter Fifteen - Partners in Crime

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The girl strutted over to the bed and sat on the edge right in front of me, crossing her legs and flipping her long blonde hair over her shoulder. One of the men took off his sunglasses, set them on the counter, and then reached into the drawer, bringing out what I assumed were condoms. The other reached into his pocket and took out a ring with a single key on it, walking towards me. He unlocked only one of my handcuffs, and that's when I decided it was time to fight back.

I stood quickly, head butting him in the process. I kicked him in the balls as hard as I could and he fell to his knees, clutching his crotch and groaning in pain. The other bodyguard ran in my direction, slamming me to the floor and wrapping his hands around my throat. My legs were restrained, but not my hands.

I moved my cuffed hand quickly in the opposite direction, using my free hand to wrap the short piece of chain around his neck, growling as I pulled at it as tight as I could. It became a race to see who would suffocate first. As he squeezed tighter, so did I. The other man got up to assist his buddy, trying to pull him off of me. When that obviously failed, he began repeatedly kicking me in the side, but I only squeezed tighter.

The other girl in the room jumped on his back, knocking him backwards on top of her. She had him in a headlock, and growled as she tightened her grip bit by bit.

The guy that I was focused on went limp and collapsed on top of me, and I took that chance to take in a deep breath, coughing a small bit. I immediately pushed him off of me and crawled over to the other girl, putting all of my weight into pressing down on her arm, which was around the man's throat. His struggling became more and more desperate, until it ceased completely.

We were both wide eyed and breathing heavy. I got up slowly, yelping at the pain in my side. This seemed to snap the other girl out of the trance she was in, because she shoved the body off of her and stood, hugging herself tightly.

She took a deep breath before speaking, "I'm Aaron. I've been here for I don't know how long. I've wanted to escape all this time, but I was just too scared," she explained, her voice breaking.

I walked towards her, taking off my hoodie and placing it around her. I like my jackets over sized, so it was big enough to cover her up. I gave her a tight hug, ignoring the pain that surged through my side and shoulders.

"Thank you," she whispered, hugging me tightly back, rocking side to side. Once we pulled away, I spoke, "We both need to go. Now."

I bent over and picked up the key that had been dropped on the floor, hastily freeing my left hand from the cuffs. We left the door locked from the inside, so no one would be coming into that room for a while. Weaving through the people in the strip club upstairs, we ran outside and down the block, turning the corner and stopping in an alley. I put my hands on her shoulders and pulled her into another tight hug.

"Go get help. Get yourself home. Don't mention what we did or where you came from, just say you're lost and need to get home. If home isn't near, find a safe place," I advised her, pulling out of the hug and looking into her baby blue eyes. She nodded and frowned, "What about you? Are you going to be alright?"

"I know how to get home," I reassured her, earning a nod. I let my hands drop to my sides, and began walking through the alley.

She stopped me, "I never caught your name."

"It's (Y/N)."

"Thank you, (Y/N). You saved me."

"I could say the same to you. Be safe, Aaron," I smiled, and continued walking.

Now, I need to worry about where I'm going. I obviously can't go home, considering the fact that Tanner - that asshole - drove me to a completely different state. Getting help from someone random would be easier for Aaron than it would be for me, since I had no explanation for being so far from home with no phone, car, or money.

I had no choice but to go back.

I stopped a couple who was walking with their child down the street.

"Excuse me, could you give me directions to the nearest beach?"

(I'm giving y'all two chapters today because I just couldn't wait! You escaped, wit cha smart ass ;D. The next chapter will most likely be coming tomorrow! Chapters may start coming out less and less because online school is starting very soon for me. I'm gonna be a freshman in high school :D. Also, please let me know which stories you would want to see next! I'm a sucker for hot video game characters, just so you know ;). Please vote, comment, and follow me for updates on OBSESSED and future projects. THANK YOU FOR READING!)

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