Chapter Twenty-One - The Raid

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I was there, completely loaded with weapons literally all over my body, crouching on top of a building with Tanner on my right. It felt like I was in an action movie. Just sitting there waiting for the signal.

The plan was simple, but it would still be difficult to carry out. Aaron would get in her usual way, and alert all of the girls of what we were doing. Apparently they were all held in one giant room until they were "picked." She told me that Adam - that dirty bastard - always picked two girls whenever he did pick any. That would mean that once those two girls are alone with him, they can overpower him. They were given knives to hide somewhere on their bodies where they couldn't be seen and to pull them out once they had a chance to corner Adam. Once they had him tied up and quiet, they would come to the window and open the curtains, giving us the signal to move into the building. We would enter through the club and downstairs to the girls the normal way, using the excuse that Tanner was bringing me in.

It was dark and quiet. The wind wailed in my ears and blew my hair to the right side of my head. I was dressed in a sweatshirt and some baggy pants to hide all the guns and knives hidden all over my legs, arms, and stomach. I positioned them so I could hold a whole lot, but spaced out enough that you didn't hear a clinking or scraping sound with every movement I made. Tanner had loaded himself with a gun, and some of the girls were already given weapons from Aaron, so hopefully, we had enough armed girls to rock this place.

I saw the curtains part slightly, and a girl with her hair dyed pink peeked her head through, giving us a nod. I touched Tanner's forearm gently to warn him, even though I knew he already had his eyes on the window. I stood silently from my position crouched behind the door to the roof, taking light and inaudible steps towards the edge. I crouched right in front of the window, and once her brown eyes landed on me, she smiled brightly.

I couldn't let these girls down.

I smiled back and waved her away, silently telling her to be ready, while Tanner began to climb down the fire escape. She gave me that "I'm counting on you" look before turning and closing the curtains. I looked over the edge of the roof to see Tanner just reaching the bottom of the ladder.

This could end really well, or terribly, but I'm going to risk it.

I climbed down the first step of the ladder and then jumped once, letting the metal slide through my hands. I was falling at what felt like lightning speed, and once my feet hit the ground, I let go of the ladder and shook my head. I let out a silent giggle along with the breath I didn't realize I had been holding. It felt just like the little poles that everyone used to take turns sliding down at the playground, which was my favorite thing ever.

"You could have hurt yourself, (Y/N)," Tanner said, cocking an eyebrow at me, his classic little half-smile present on his face. All I did was grin at him and bounce on my toes.

"That's what makes it so fun," I replied, starting to take calm steps towards the front of the building. It took a few seconds, but Tanner was quickly by my side.

I peeked swiftly around the corner and at the entrance, where two more of those bodyguards that Adam seems to have everywhere stood. I leaned back and looked Tanner straight in those eyes of his.

"You ready?" I questioned him, holding my wrist out to him. He hummed a response and grabbed onto my wrist, leading me to the entrance. I put on my best angry face on the way there. The two guards quickly let us into the club, and I sent a nasty glare at one of them, just to be dramatic and seal the deal. As we weaved through the club and down the stairs, I basically snarled at anyone I could make eye contact with.

We walked until we were in front of a big red door, and Tanner let go of my wrist, nudging me into the doorway and shutting the door behind me.

There were what looked like about twenty to thirty girls, all dressed - I don't even feel like it's appropriate to say dressed - in extremely revealing things. Several of them were crying, and I couldn't see a single girl that didn't have some type of cut or bruise on their skin. Just scanning the room made me disgusted and angry, but I eventually found Aaron kneeling next to another girl. Her long black hair looked like it had been tied into two small buns at the top of her head, which were now lopsided and unraveling, and the rest of her hair laid against her back, tangled and frizzy. Tears were gushing out of her dark brown eyes, and I could see the faint stains of mascara on her cheeks. Aaron had her hands cupped around one of hers and was trying to console the poor girl.

I jogged over to them and kneeled next to Aaron, putting a hand on the crying girl's shoulder.

"I'm getting you out of here. I'm setting you all free right now."

"What? You can't - how?" She questioned, looking up at me with wet eyes.

I reached under my shirt and slipped a knife out of one of the holsters that were wrapped around my arm. She gasped loudly, and the entire room went quiet. I took her hand and placed the knife into her palm, closing her fingers around it tightly. Aaron gave her a reassuring smile, and as I stood, they both stood with me.

"Everyone come here and gather around," I spoke, lifting up my sweatshirt and showing them the several knives and small handguns I had just on my stomach. They moved quickly toward me, eyes full of hope and determination. I'm assuming Aaron had already told them about my visit.

"Does anyone know how to use a gun?" I looked around the room, watching about seven girls raise their hands. "If I remember correctly, I have about three or four guns on me, five if you include my own. Is anybody extremely confident about using a gun? Do we have any experts here?" I asked the few girls who had their hands raised, and about three of them moved to the front of the crowd, the rest lowering their hands.

I reached into my sweatpants, gripping the handle of a gun and handing it to the girl in the middle. I took a gun strapped to my arm, and another on my side, and handed them to the two others. I slipped the last gun out of its holster on my thigh and pointed the handle to Aaron, who grabbed it from my hand and gripped it tightly.

I pulled my oversized hoodie over my head, "Everyone come get one."

In a matter of minutes, every girl was armed with a knife, some even holding two. I looked around at all of the women in the room, then down at my gun. It was the same gun that I committed my first murder with. I knew that after tonight, that probably wasn't going to be the last time, no matter how much I didn't like to think about it.

"Miss." I looked up to see a girl with beautiful hazel eyes looking into mine.

"(Y/N)," I corrected her, earning a nod.

"Thank you, (Y/N). We're all going to help as much as we possibly can to help you fight that horrible man," she promised, several nods and a couple of verbal agreements sounding from the crowd.

"Let's take over this shithole then."

(Hey everybody, I hope to post the next chapter very soon, I promise! (Y/N) is becoming more and more of a bad bitch :D. Please vote, comment, and follow me for updates! THANK YOU FOR READING!)

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