Chapter Seventeen - You're Awful

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I had been walking along the beach for what felt like hours. My calves were burning from trudging through the sand, and the pain in my side was becoming more prominent.

I stopped, dropping to my knees and scooting to lay my back against the sandy rock. Breathing heavy, I placed my hand on my side.

"Fuck," I breathed. I Had found the path that Tanner had driven me down when he first brought me here, and I was following it, hoping to arrive at his house soon.

I turn my head back towards the direction I was walking and squinted, trying to see if I could spot the house in the distance, and I did.

It was really fucking far, but at least I know it's straight ahead. I was walking for so long, I was starting to think I was going in the wrong direction, which I thankfully, was not.

After a few more seconds of deep breathing, I decided to get up and start walking once again, starting to try and build more confidence.

I'm terrible with confrontation, but this is something I needed to do.

The more I tried to build up myself for what I was about to do, the more irritated and betrayed I began to feel. By the time I had reached the big house, I was red hot all over again.

My calves were on fire, and so were my lungs. I stopped right next to the door to catch my breath, and after a few seconds of standing there and taking in deep breaths, the door flung open, almost smacking me. Tanner flew out of the door, but stopped immediately, his eyes locking onto me. I took in a deep breath, and proceeded to let loose all of my anger.

"You dirty motherfucker!" I screamed in his face, my breathing still quite heavy, "Did you really think... I was just gonna let you ship me off to some random asshole... you..." I breathed, throwing my arms up in the air, but quickly regretted it. Pain shot through my side at the sudden movement, and I growled in pain, still fuming.

"Are you-"

"Shut it!" I screamed at him, then screamed a second time in anger and pain, clutching my side as I stormed towards him.

"Are you hurt, (Y/N)?" Tanner questioned me in a firm yet gentle tone, only making me angrier.

"Whose fault do you think that is? Yours! You!" I threw my fists at his chest as hard as I could, trying my hardest to ignore the pain in my side. He just stood there and let me hit him like it was nothing, which agitated me even further. My breathing became heavier and heavier, until I stopped, with both of my fists resting against his body. A sudden pulse of pure agony shot through me and I doubled over, letting a pained whine escape my throat. I crouched down and leaned on my knees and groaned, hearing Tanner sigh quietly. I heard him shuffle around a bit before beginning to reach down for me.

"Don't touch me. You're awful," I attempted to sound angry, but my weakness showed through my voice.

"I know," Tanner admitted, reaching down for me once again, but I swatted his hands away.

I looked up to him, tears welling up in my eyes because of the excruciating pain I was in, and the overflow of feelings that I couldn't understand. "I don't know why - but I somehow trusted you."

"I'm - sorry."

I sighed, somehow sensing his apology was sincere. The pain in my shoulders and on my left side only grew. I just couldn't take it.

How hard was I kicked? And how many times? I can't remember, almost everything is a blur, and the pain I was feeling wasn't helping my memory.

I rose slowly, trying to keep my balance.

"You're hurt."

"I am," I confessed, my voice becoming unintentionally soft. I was desperate for the throbbing pain in my side to cease. I allowed him to lift me from my hunched position, curling up against his chest like a child as my face contorted in pain. Just a few seconds ago I was screaming in anger at him, and now here I am, letting him carry me inside his house. I felt pathetic, but at the same time, I felt safe and comfortable in his arms somehow, despite what he had done to me. I let my head rest against his chest as he carried me up to the bathroom to patch me up a second time.

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