Chapter Nineteen - Murderer

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They were looking for me, and Tanner was supposed to bring me to them. We obviously couldn't just pretend like this wasn't happening, because they would find us, and they would find us quickly.

Tanner told me he was going somewhere and left me in his giant house alone. He wouldn't tell me where he was going, and he didn't give in when I pestered him this time. He left me with what looked like a pistol - I have no knowledge regarding guns whatsoever. But at least I vaguely remember how to use one. I used to go to shooting ranges regularly with my dad when I was in high school. He wanted me to learn how to protect myself, and it was just a fun father-daughter activity.

I sat down at my table in my room and took a sketchbook that was on top of three other ones. I was stressed. I needed to draw something, anything, just to clear my head. I picked a simple yellow pencil from the cup and opened up to the first page.

Like usual, I wrote my name in big letters, and drew a tiny self-portrait in the corner. I made it plain and simple. This was just something I always do when getting a new sketchbook - like a tradition.

Flipping to the second page, not wanting to draw on the back of the first one, and immediately started drawing, deciding to go with my feelings. I wanted to freestyle, coming up with ideas as I went. After drawing for a few minutes, I finally had a simple sketch.

It was a girl with long, wavy hair. She was lying propped up against a big fluffy pillow and had a small notepad in her hand. She was holding the tip of her pen to her bottom lip and was looking up at someone, smiling. The person she was smiling at was in the foreground, and they were holding a knife.

I sat back in my chair, sighing. I stared at what I had created, content with it.

I heard a gigantic bang downstairs, and I flinched hard. I got up and was about to go open the door to see what the hell just happened, but as I was walking, I heard:

"Search every inch of the place. Move!"

I froze. That definitely wasn't Tanner.

I locked the door and snatched up the gun that I had placed on my bed, checking to see if it was loaded. I heard doors being swung open and rooms being searched. I heard my doorknob jiggle, and I made sure it was cocked before I pointed the gun at the door and backed up against the wall, ready and willing to shoot. I held it straight in front of me, watching my hands shake.

"This door's locked!"

I heard a variety of footsteps sounded through the quiet house and stopped right at my door. It was silent for a few seconds, and I was petrified.

Then there was a huge slam against the door. I gripped the gun tighter, my eyes going wide as the door busted open.

I saw about 5 gigantic, muscular men standing in my doorway. I had a millisecond to start shooting, and I did.

I was frozen in fear, and all I could do was pull the trigger. My hands were shaking like crazy, and I missed so many times that each man was in arms reach of me before they got a bullet in their chest.

They came through the door one by one, and one by one they fell at my feet until there was one left. He took fast and heavy steps towards me, and I hadn't realized the clicking noise that was sounding throughout the room until I was on the ground. While I was being choked for the second time that day, I brought the gun up as high as I could and struck him with it as hard as I could. He released his grip on my neck and clutched his head, soon falling over onto the floor unconscious. I scrambled up and crawled over to his body, smashing the gun against his head repeatedly, making sure he couldn't get up and hurt me again.

The gun fell from my hand. I fell back, scooting away from the dead men in the room and into the corner. I pressed my back against the wall as hard as I could, tears beginning to fall from my wide eyes.

I don't know how long I was sitting there. I hadn't noticed I had been rocking back and forth until I was snapped out of my trance by my name being called from downstairs. I fixed my eyes on the doorway, and Tanner came into view. As I stared straight up at him, I couldn't help but let more hot tears fall from my eyes.

He walked to me, kneeling down in front of me. He placed his hand gently on my shoulder, shock and concern wrinkling his brow. I was chocking on my sobs, and I felt like I couldn't breathe. My hand gripped the cloth on my chest, and I looked down to the ground, trying to focus on steadying my breathing.

My mind was racing. All you could hear throughout the room was my heavy breathing.

"I killed them. I killed them all. I'm a... a murderer!" I squeaked, tangling my hands in my hair.

Tanner grabbed my wrists and pulled me forward, leaning his forehead against mine.

"They were going to hurt you, (Y/N). Who knows what they would've done. It's not your fault, I shouldn't have left you here," he consoled me, looking straight into my eyes, then gazing down at the floor.

I slipped into his arms, burying my face in his chest. This was something I would've never done before, but I was trembling - damn near vibrating - and I needed something, anything.

He hesitated for a moment, but wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him, resting his chin on my head. In a tiny, quivering voice, I spoke:

"Thank you."

(This chapter took a million years to come out, and I'm sorry 'bout dat :(. Online school has fucked up my sleep schedule, drained all my energy, and made me hate several of my teachers all in the first week. My ass is falling asleep as I'm writing this. But anyway, here you go! We are nearing the end of the book, and getting closer and closer to the lemon y'all asked for ;). I've decided to have it at the end as a little bonus chapter as the aftermath of the story. Message me or comment any ideas for future X readers! Please vote, comment, and follow me for updates! Thank you for your patience and THANK YOU FOR READING!)

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