Chapter Eight - Deeper

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(F/S) - Favorite Song

I woke up for the second time that day, feeling well-rested for once. I struggled to rise from the comfortable bed, staying in the same position for a few seconds before placing my feet on the floor. I stretched, finally feeling awake. I got up and walked downstairs, still too lazy to do any decorating. I half expected to find Tanner somewhere down there, but when I walked through the living room and peeked around the corner and into the kitchen, he was nowhere to be found. I frowned and plopped down on the couch, trying to think of something to do. I stared through the sliding glass window, slowly becoming hypnotized by the waves. It struck me that I could actually go out onto the beach, and I stood from my place slumped on the couch. I quietly unlocked the sliding glass door and stepped outside, remembering what Tanner had said about being in his office, and not wanting to disturb him, assuming he was working on something.

It was slightly windy, but the sun still shone onto my skin, creating the perfect temperature combo. I looked around, realizing that I'd have to jump down to get to the beach, which was not happening. It was way too far down, and how in the world would I get back up?

After standing there like a dumbass for I don't know how long, I found a staircase on the right side of the house that led down to the beach. I walked through the sand slowly, letting the wind blow gently through my hair. I stopped halfway to the water.

I could run. I could run away right now.

But something kept me where I was standing. I didn't know what, and I didn't know why. I hesitated for a moment before continuing to walk to the water, focusing on admiring the water in front of me. I reached down to place my hands in the water, but as soon as I did, the water rushed towards me, and I scrambled back, letting a panicked scream slip from my mouth by accident. I whipped my head back to look at the house, afraid I had been too loud. I could see Tanner sitting at a desk through the glass. It didn't look like he had heard me, but he turned in his chair, and I could barely make out the surprised look on his face when he saw me standing outside on the sand.

Without thinking, I waved at him, and he raised his hand, stiffly returning my gesture. I grinned at him and turned back to the waves, stepping back a little more before sitting down in the sand. I had zero intention of getting wet. I began absent-mindedly humming the tune to (F/S), bobbing my head side to side as I leaned back on my hands. My humming slowly turned into singing, and before I knew it, I was dancing sitting down in the sand, just enjoying myself for once.


At first, when Tanner had seen her down there, he was suspicious of her. She had snuck out without saying anything, and on top of that, she was staring at him like she had done something wrong. Like a guilty puppy. But when he had seen her smile and wave, then begin to dance and sing, he somehow knew that she wasn't going anywhere yet. He was surprised at how nonchalant she seemed to act about the situation she was in, talking to him with almost no caution. Like he was just a normal person. She didn't notice, but little things such as this made him happy. Even her saying his name brought him joy, because he was used to being called just a murderer, and a horrible person. Which he was, in his eyes. He had laughed more during these few hours with (Y/N) then he felt he had in years. With every second and every minute he was in her presence, he was pulled deeper and deeper into his obsession.

(Sorry I updated so late today! New chapter is still in the process of being written, so I apologize in advance if I can't get it posted tomorrow! I'm having a lot of trouble wording things the way I want to :(. Please be sure to vote and comment, it helps so much! THANK YOU FOR READING!)

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