Chapter Twenty-Two - Control

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All four of us crept up the stairs, guns held at ready. The rest of the girls had been sent to all of the private rooms to make sure all of the women in the building were armed and together. Meanwhile, the three who had been given guns were heading upstairs to the club, ready to sneak into Adam's room. Through the circular windows in the door, I spot the back of both security guards' heads.

I nodded to Bridget, Matilda, and Valerie before opening the door quickly but silently, not wanting to draw attention. Bridget and Matilda launched themselves through the doors and thrust the two bodyguards towards them, all four of us following them as they tumbled down the stairs. They both let out grunts of pain and panic as they reached the bottom, and they had guns against their heads before they could even register what had just happened to them. Aaron and the girl I had met earlier, who's name I learned was Audrey, wasted no time in tying them up and throwing them into a random private room.

I took a deep breath and turned on my heel, traveling back up the stairs. Everything was going according to plan so far. I wonder how Tanner's doing. He was supposed to be waiting for us with Adam upstairs, but you never know what could happen. I quickened my pace as I strolled through the club, which was a lot emptier than before. As another group of people began to file out of the club, all six of us jogged quickly up the stairs, hiding our weapons by our sides.

I stopped and peeked around the wall right at the top of the steps and saw a short hallway with two doors on each side. The hallway was empty, but there's most likely a few guards nearby.

I began to walk slowly around the corner, my footsteps completely silent until I reached the door. I looked at the group behind me as I placed my hand on the doorknob, and they readied their weapons. I swung the door open and walked in.

The two girls who had given us the signal before were sitting on the bed, and flinched slightly at our sudden presence. They eventually got up and greeted us, giving each other brief hugs. I looked around the room to see Adam with his hands and ankles tied together, bound to the bed frame and sitting on the floor, looking completely helpless. Sitting against the wall and across from Adam was Tanner. He sat with his elbow resting on his knee, and was twirling a syringe around carelessly in his hand.

Of course, he's okay.

We locked eyes and I smiled brightly, moving further into the room to make way for the others to do so as well. I crouched down beside him, hearing the door click quietly closed behind us.

"You did it."

"We did it," I said, grinning down at the floor. I looked up to see Adam glaring at me intensely, and I giggled, "Glaring at me isn't gonna get you anywhere. You're tied up after all."

"So, what are we gonna do?" Matilda spoke up, cocking her head to the side in question. I stood and handed Audrey my gun.

"I want you to do it."

"What?" Her eyes widened at me, "Why?"

"You don't have to," I assured her, "I just assumed that if anyone would want to end all of this the most right now, it would be you. Not saying anyone else wouldn't qualify."

She hesitantly gripped the handle of the gun and stepped forward, now standing directly in front of Adam. We all crowded around the two, who had begun staring intensely at one another.

I watched her hands steady, and her eyes ignite with a burning fire. I couldn't tell exactly what she was feeling, but it was nothing like I'd ever seen before. She took a huge breath in and released it, her grip only tightening as she raised the gun to his head.

"I've let so much happen without saying a word. I never once thought to open my mouth to say anything," she spoke directly to Adam, who had begun to squirm. "But you're going to listen to me now, because this will be the last thing you hear."

As I watched her intently, everything else seemed to fall away.

"Rot in hell, bastard," she said with finality, as she pulled the trigger. 

(AYY y'all, I'm back, and not dead :). We have like, three more chapters left. I promise to try and get them out soon. Please vote, comment, and follow me for updates! THANK YOU FOR READING!)

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