Chapter Three - Crashing The Party

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"It's fine, (Y/N). He's a psycho. He probably saw you in that tiny shirt while you were putting on the bigger one, and got interested for a few seconds. I'm pretty sure he hasn't followed us or anything."

"But that doesn't change the fact that he winked at me," I worried as I shredded the last document due tonight for Luna. Most of these reports were just jealous and unreasonably annoying people.

"Let's just try to forget it. Tonight is gonna be fun remember? Relax," she consoled me, taking the several slices of pizza out of the microwave.

I sighed, "Well, I might as well take a shower."

As I was letting the warm water wash over me, I tried to remind myself that it was going to be all fun times tonight.

Fun. That's right. Everything is fine. Just push away that paranoia and have a good time.

I turned off the water and sighed loudly, stepping out of the tub and drying my body. I looked in the mirror and tried my best to unfurrow my brow and relax my tense shoulders. After I don't know how long, I gave up and went to go dig through my suitcase for something comfortable to wear. Settling on a flowy white tank top (one that actually fit correctly), and a pair of red and white booty shorts. I'm not trying to impress anyone, and they're surprisingly comfy.

I switched places with Luna, and after a few minutes of trying to find something on Netflix and finding nothing, I gave up on it. With nothing else to do, I checked the cameras out of pure boredom. Luna takes such long showers...

I flipped quickly through the cameras with the flashlight off, remembering what Luna said about what happens with the power, and saw someone sneaking across the yard. I froze in fear. It was a guy that looked to be around our age. He was wearing a lab coat and black pants.

Just as I saw this, Luna stepped out of the bedroom, and I began to yell at her, "Luna! Someone's outside the house! I just checked the cameras and there was someone running across the yard!"

"What?!" She scrambled to the computer and sat down while I was jumping up in down in place out of pure terror. Luna clicked on the camera icon on the desktop, and the man appeared right in front of the camera in a teasing motion. We both screamed, not expecting it. Luna shined the flashlight and checked all of the other camera views several times. She forgot about the power going out, and all of the lights in the house went dark. It was pitch black, and I was struggling not to let out another ear-piercing scream. Luna cursed and gripped up her phone from on the couch, and turned on the flashlight. She then started to creep down the hallway, unlocking her phone on the way. Probably to dial 911.

From the darkness emerged the man in the white coat, who I could just barely see as the dim light of Luna's phone illuminated the hallway. In an awfully cheery sounding voice, he said:

"Well... this is... awkward."

He ran through the hallway at lightning speed, tackling Luna to the ground. I could hear a grunt of pain escape Luna's throat, accompanied by the sound of her phone cracking against the ground.

"Don't worry, the pain will go away soon," he grinned at her as he stabbed her in the neck with a syringe, and injected her with some liquid that seemed to be similar to anesthesia. As soon as I saw what he did to my best friend, I ran in the opposite direction. I bolted into the kitchen, hoping to grab some type of weapon. I could hear only a couple of swift footsteps, and then he was on top of me. I used my arms to partly break my fall, but my forehead still hit the floor. Hard. In the heat of the moment, I swung my head back and hit him in the face as hard as I could, scrambling from under his grip and grabbing a pan from on top of the stove. I immediately swung it in front of me, lucky to knock the syringe that was coming straight for my neck from his hand and onto the floor. I ran to Luna's unconscious body, dragging her like a rag doll into the bedroom at the end of the hallway as fast as I could. I heard him let out a sinister-sounding chuckle as I slammed the door behind me, locking it. I ran into the bathroom, closing and locking that door as well.

I sat on the cold bathroom floor, the adrenaline slowly leaving my body as I tried to hyperventilate quietly. Once my breathing finally slowed a bit, I finally noticed the pounding in my head from being tackled by that psycho back in the kitchen. I tried to ignore it and turned the water on in the sink. I turned the knob just enough so the water was almost inaudible, and put my hands under the tiny stream of water. As soon as I had enough, I brought my cupped hands above Luna's face and dropped the water onto her. I tried this several times. She didn't move. Whatever she was drugged with was strong. I turned off the water and sank back down to the tile, terrified and cornered in that small space.

I heard a small rattling noise on the other side of the bathroom door, and my world stopped turning. The window slid open, and heavy footsteps walked across the floor.

(Next chapter coming today or tomorrow! THANK YOU FOR READING!)

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