Chapter Twenty - The Plan

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I decided to take a walk down the street and try to calm my thoughts. I had brutally murdered five grown men only yesterday, and I was still shaken. I hadn't gotten any sleep that night. I couldn't help but just stare at my floor, where the bodies of the people I killed had once lay. If you had walked into that room without knowing what had happened, you would've never known, but I couldn't get the image out of my head. It was almost like everything was still there.

The five men, all dressed in black, lying motionless on the hardwood floor. Pools of blood around each body, and a bloody gun.

Just thinking about it made my stomach churn. I shook my head and resumed walking, not noticing that I had stopped in the middle of the sidewalk.

I looked everywhere around me, reading every sign and every poster I came across, trying to distract myself. I directed my attention to the crosswalk, and caught a glimpse of a familiar face.


She looked up in my direction, and I waved to her, seeing a smile spread across her features. She jogged across the remainder of the crosswalk, turning and walking in my direction.

We immediately embraced each other, Aaron's happy giggles filling the air. She pulled back with her hands resting on my shoulders, her blue eyes shining brightly just like I remembered.

"Where have you been? Are you alright?" She smiled, leftover giggles escaping her mouth between her words.

A chill crawled up my spine as I thought about what I had done yesterday. My smile faded, and Aaron reached down and grabbed my hands, her face filled with worry.

"Hey, what's wrong? What happened?"

"Uhm, I-" I stuttered, trying to decide quickly in my head if I should tell the truth or not. If I did tell her, what would she think of me? She would probably think I'm a monster, because that's what I am. Tears began to well up in my eyes as I eyed the sidewalk in shame.

"Hey, hey, hey," she said softly, bringing our intertwined hands closer to her, pulling me closer as well. "Just tell me what happened."

I let go of one of her hands and turned, leading her around a corner and behind a random building. I turned on my heel and just spilled everything.

"I killed people Aaron. Five people. I got left alone and I think Adam may have sent people after me. They came to get me and I just started shooting at them, and I was so scared, and-"

She interrupted me by silently pulling me into a hug, squeezing me tightly.

"(Y/N), girl you're shaking. Calm down, it was bound to happen. It's not your fault," she consoled me, and I began to let the tears spill. "What are you gonna do?"

"What am I gonna do?" I quickly began to panic and talk rapidly, my voice becoming higher with every word. "Adam hates me and he's trying to catch me, and I don't think I can get away, and I can't go home because it's too far-"

"Calm it down, slow it down, girl. I think I can help you," Aaron said, furrowing her brow and nodding her head like she was thinking really hard. Then she continued:

"Ever since we escaped together, I felt guilty for leaving all of the other girls to suffer in that horrible place. We all knew one another, and we all became really close, acting as the emotional support for each other. I couldn't just leave without bringing them with me, so I started going back, and helping them get away, one by one, sometimes in groups of up to five. But new girls come almost every day. I know how to get in safely, and I know how to get out. I can help you raid the club and maybe even capture Adam - at least drive him far away, or strip him of his power," she explained to me, looking up and straight into my eyes, waiting for an answer.

"Wouldn't it be dangerous?"

"What other choice is there?"

"I guess you're right. But how exactly would we do it?" I asked, still extremely unsure of the idea of infiltrating the evil mastermind's secret lair.

"If you can find weapons or already have some, this plan is foolproof. I think I know exactly what to do."

(Hey y'all, sorry for slow updates. I didn't read over this chapter because I lowkey just didn't feel like it, so if there are mistakes comment and lemme know so I can fix the shit :). We got like three more chapters left y'all. I think the next one is gonna be super long, so it might take a long ass time for me to post it :(. Please, vote, comment, and follow me for updates. THANK YOU FOR READING!) 

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