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Jimins pov

I walk to my locker after lessons and grab my things. I roll my eyes hearing everyone speaking about the new student. I slam my locker shut and then turn around and gasp when I see a boy stood behind me with a huge smile on his face

He was in a yellow cropped top and some shorts. I step back "uh" he smiles "hi! I'm Jungkook! I'm new here and my emotion is joy!" I look at his neck to see a bright yellow heart. I nod "good for you..." I start to walk away

He Huff's and follows me "what's your name?" I roll my eyes and ignore him. I walk to the tree outside and pull a ciggeratte out and sigh seeing jungkook stood next to me still with a huge smile on his face.

I roll my eyes and start to smoke, he giggles "are you shyness??" I shake my head. He Huff's and then stands in front of me "I saw you alone in class today and I wanted to come cheer you up!" I look away from him.

He gasps "oh wait......you're loneliness right?....Irene told me about you" I don't answer him. He sighs "I'll be your friend! And you won't feel so lonely anymore! We can have sleepovers! And we can hang out at the park! And-"

I glare at him "no....don't you understand? My emotion is loneliness.... meaning I feel lonely no matter who hangs out with me....so I've decided not to hang out with anyone....you're getting really fucking irritating so fuck off" I walk away from the tree and hear him sigh "are you sure you aren't anger?"

Jungkooks pov

I see him walk away. I sigh "nobody has ever walked away from me before....." I smile "I'll keep on trying! One day I'll get him to smile! Maybe he just needs time....yeah" I walk back into school and see taehyung there, he smiles "hey jungkook!!!!!"

I smile more "hey tae!" He runs to me "people are saying you just spoke to park jimin!" I nod "he seems very....angry....but I'll make him smile! I always make people smile!" He chuckles "I'm not so sure....I don't think any of us in this school has ever seen park jimin smile"

I giggle "one day he will smile and it'll be cause i made him smile!" We walk to my locker where we see all the others, I gasp "do you guys want to come to mine?" Namjoon looks at me "your parents won't mind?" I shake my head "no....they aren't around anymore" they all gasp "oh were so sorry"

I giggle "it's okay don't apologize....let's go!" We all grab our things and walk out the school and I see park jimin stood smoking again. I pout

I will make you smile park jimin....if it's the last thing I do...

Jimins pov

I finish my ciggeratte and then walk home. I see my parents car in front of the house, I walk into the house and my mother (trust) runs to me and hugs me "hello son! How was school?" I hug back "fine eomma.....same as normal"

She steps back and my father walks over (jealousy) and sighs "nothing new?" I shake my head "guys what do you think I'm going to say?.....that I got a new friend?....I'm loneliness...I don't have friends"

I walk to the kitchen and grab a glass of water. I then look at my parents who follow me into the kitchen, I huff "there's a new student....jungkook I think his name was....." My father looks at me wanting more. I sigh "his emotion is Joy-"

My mother gasps "really?! He's the only joy in town! Maybe you and him can be friends!" I scoff "no eomma....I don't make friends....they make me feel even more lonely then I do right now....I don't want that"

My parents sigh and look at one another and then at me. My mother hugs me again "I wish we could help you son" I sighs and hug back "I've got use to it now eomma....I've accepted this....it's not that bad....no arguments or worries that I'm going to hurt someone.....just me and myself....and that's how I like it"
I walk to my bedroom and slam the door

I need to stay away from Jungkook as much as possible because he's going to be the one person that doesn't stop trying to make me smile and I don't want to deal with that...

emotions (jikook)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن