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I walk to the dorm room where me and Jimin will be staying. I open the door and sigh seeing jimin sat on one of the beds. I walk in and Chuck my bag in one of my boxes and sit on the other bed.
Jimin sighs "we should talk...."

I nod "yeah...." He sighs "I'm sorry....I didn't mean to make you-" I cut him off "don't apologize....your mother told me that she told you to do it....plus it's not like it hurt me or anything" he looks down and fiddles with his hoodie sleeves.

I stand up and then walk and sit next to him and put my hand on top of his "don't be so sad jimin....Its ok-" I get cut off by his plump lips on mine. My eyes widen and he pulls away and looks down "i-i-im so sorry!" I touch my lips "you kissed me..." He nods "and I'm so sorry! You can slap me if you want"

I hesitate but grab his chin and make him look at me "don't think like that jimin....it's okay" I move closer to him and kiss him. He kisses back and then moves his hand to my neck and removes the bandaid over my mark.

I pull away and put my hand on his cheek "don't say sorry jimin" he smiles. I hesitate but look at his neck, he nods "go on" I take the bandaid off his neck and smile "this mark doesn't make us any different jimin.... we're still human and always will be"

He chuckles "you're so joyful....it's annoying" I giggle "I'm just glad we spoke this out and made up! I felt......alone when I wasn't talking to you" his eyes widen "you felt alone?" I nod "it felt wrong....like my emotions were telling me to run up to you and try and become your friend.....but pushing those thoughts away.....made me feel alone.....really alone.....but now I feel great!"

He smirks "you need me around so you don't feel lonely?" I giggle "but you need me so you can smile more! So I guess we both need one another!" He shrugs "I guess so....." He looks down.

I tilt my head "what-" he looks at me "why do you deal with me jungkook? I'm loneliness! I'll never be able to make you happy.....you-" tears roll down his cheeks. I put my hands on his cheeks and smile "hey...calm down.....it's okay.....our emotions don't make us any less human jimin......you can make me happy....you do make me happy..... remember jimin.....I need you so I don't feel alone"

I wipe his tears and he leans into my touch making me smile a little more "wanna cuddle and watch movies?" He scoffs "n-no" I roll my eyes "don't start this stubbornness jimin.....you can be a moody grumpy boy tomorrow....for now.... let's watch movies and cuddles" he sighs and then nods.

He turns the television on and puts 'love Simon' on making me raise an eyebrow, he Huff's "I like watching romantic movies shut up" more tears roll down his cheeks. I sit down with my back against the wall and he sits next to me. I move my hand to his hair and gently play with it.

He then slowly moves so his head is on my lap and I play with his hair and we watch 'love Simon' I yawn and Slowly start to fall asleep. I feel jimin sit up and he moves me so I'm led down and he gently kisses my head and then whispers "goodnight bunny" I smile a little and slowly fall into a deeper sleep

Me and Jimin really do need one another.....I'm so happy we talked about it.......but I think we should talk about what that kiss meant.....

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