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Jungkooks pov

I walk to the canteen and to the group of girls that were talking about me this morning. Irene grabs my hand "what are you doing?" I look at her "seeing what I did wrong..." I walk to them and smile "hey guys! Can I ask something?"

I feel everyone in the canteen looking at me. One of them scoffs "what the fuck do you want?" I sigh "why did you say those mean things about me this morning? Have I done something wrong or bad to you?" They shake their heads.

One of them stands up and giggles "because you're a bitch" I step back "I don't understand...." She walks towards me "let me say it slowly for you...you.are.a.bitch!" I roll my eyes "I understand what you said I just don't understand how I am"

She glares at me "because you stole jimin away from us!" I tilt my head "oh....he's yours....I didn't know people claim people here.....I'm sorry.....you want him back right?....of course! I didn't mean to take him from you"

I gasp when she pushes me onto the floor  "you fucking joyful bitch shut up!!! He's my boyfriend!! And I want you to stay the fuck away from him!!!!!" She slaps me across the face making people in the canteen gasp.

I put my hand on my cheek "you...slapped me!" She nods "well done dumb dumb!" She raises her hand again and I close my eyes tightly waiting for the impact but only hear everyone gasp.

I hesitate and open my eyes seeing jimin stood in front of me holding her wrist tightly. He glares at her "okay for one I'm not your Boyfriend and I never will be.....and two IF you ever touch him again I will personally Rip you a new asshole"

My eyes widen and I shuffle back a little. The girls all stand up and jimin let's go of her hand and smirks looking at me "you're lucky he's here.....but he won't be able to stop me every time" jimin growls "fuck off chuu"

Irene giggles "haha caught in a lie~ your so called Boyfriend doesn't love you! " chuu looks at her disgusted

"Shut the fuck up Irene we don't want to hear your ugly ass opinion" she then with her group walk out the canteen. Jimin looks at me "why are you still on the fucking floor? Get up"

I stand up "sorry...." I gasp when he puts his hand on my cheek "it'll bruise.....when you get home put some ice on it" I nod "yeah hyung" he then rolls his eyes and walks out the canteen.

I sit back with my friends and sigh "who are those girls?" Hoseok sighs "those are the bitches of the school.....every student walks the opposite way to them...." Taehyung Huff's "that wasn't the leader of the group you spoke to....the leader of the group is HaSeul....the worst of the worst.... you're Lucky she didn't stand up"

Namjoon sighs "then there's chuu....the one that slapped you....then Yves, jinSoul,Yeojin,Kim Lip, Vivi, Olivia Hye, Choerry, HyunJin and HeeJin....and their 'group name' is LOONA" I sigh "why are they so mean?"

Yoongi shrugs "their emotions are jealousy.... they've probably been like that since birth" I pout "I don't like people like that" Jin shakes his head "nobody does....." Irene sighs "you're lucky jimin came to your rescue.... apparently one student moved school because they beat her up every day for three months....."

My eyes widen "that's horrible.....but why did they chose me to pick on?" Irene shrugs "probably because you're closer to jimin then they'll ever be" we all laugh and then the others eat their food.

Jin looks at me "why aren't you eating?" I smile "I eat a big breakfast every day....I don't ever eat lunch" he nods "that's understandable......" I nod

I did just lie to my friend......but I don't want them to worry about me.....I don't eat breakfast or lunch and I only eat a small dinner.....but my emotion is joy so they'd never guess that....
As long as I smile I'm staying true to my emotion!

The rest of the day goes by pretty quickly. Then I smile widely seeing jimin stood by the gates. I walk to him "hey hyung" he looks at me "come on" I tilt my head "huh?" He rolls his eyes "are we walking together or not" I nod "of course! I didn't expect you to wait for me" he scoffs "don't think about it too much"

We start to walk home, we both stay silent. I look down and start to think about what those girls were saying

Is it all because I'm friends with jimin??.....well he doesn't even want to be my friend...........
Should I leave him alone so they'll stop picking on me.............

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