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((A/N: sorry if this chapter isnt the best I was up all night waiting for the MV and now I'm really tired but I haven't stopped listening it to it (well....that's a lie I have for like a few minutes to watch other video and then going back to the MV 😂😂😂😂))

Jimins pov

I wake up the next morning and huff looking in the mirror and then hesitate and take the bandaid off my neck and look at my heart on my neck.
I sigh and look down, the door opens and I hear my mother's voice "son?"

I look at her and she gasps "you took your bandaid off....are you okay?" I wrap my arms around myself "I....I don't know" she walks to me and puts her hand on my head "you're burning up....no school today okay? Get some rest" I nod.

She takes the bandaid from me and then I walk and lay down on my bed and close my eyes....I never get sick..... Something must be very wrong with me today....

Jungkooks pov

I giggle waking up and I change into

I grab my bag and smile walking to jimins house

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I grab my bag and smile walking to jimins house. I knock on the door and giggle, his mother opens the door and smiles "hello again jungkook how can I help?" I smile "is jimin coming? I wanted to walk to school with him"

She sighs "sorry dear but he's sick" I gasp "oh no....is he okay?" She nods "we aren't sure how he got sick but he's currently in bed....I have to quickly make him some soup before going to work" I shake my head "I'll make the soup and take it to him....just tell me the recipe and I'll make it"

She gasps "really?" I nod "of course....I'll ring the school as well....I'm always happy to take care of my friends!" She smiles "thank you so much! The recipe is on the refrigerator" I nod and wave to her and walk inside and to the kitchen.

I place by bag down and start to make jimins some soup.
I follow the instructions on the paper which had the recipe on and giggle a little.
I finish making the soup and look around

"Now where is his bedroom.... aha...upstairs"  I pick the bowl of soup up and walk upstairs and look around and see a door slightly open. I look inside to see jimin led on the bed....oh his room is a mess.....

I ignore that and knock on the door, he groans "eomma? Come in" I open the door "it's not your eomma...it's me" he looks at me and then covers something on his neck "what are you doing here again?!"

I put his soup on the bedside table "I'm here to take care of you!, You're eomma needed to go to work and she asked me to take care of you" he rolls his eyes "I don't need to be taken care of" I nod "you do because you're sick..now eat your soup and rest"

He looks down. I smile "do you want me to get another bandaid so I don't see your emotion?" He nods. I stand up and walk out the room to the bathroom and then grab a bandaid and walk back to him and hand it to him "here you go! I'm gonna go clean up the kitchen....just call if you need anything" he looks away

I huff and walk out the room and downstairs and clean the kitchen. I then ring the school telling them why me and Jimin won't be in today. I put my phone in my bag and yawn a little

I jump when I hear jimins voice "you don't have to clean all the kitchen you know that right?" I look at him and nod "I know....now go back to bed you need to rest" he shakes his head "I'm sitting on the couch" he walks to the lounge.

I roll my eyes "are you positive your emotion is loneliness and not stubbornness or anger?" He glares at me and I giggle and turn away "calm down I'm sorry"

I finish cleaning the kitchen and then I sort his medicine he needs out and then i walk into the lounge to see jimin asleep on the couch. I walk away and then grab a blanket and put it on him. I look at the time....his parents should be back soon..
..wow time went really fast

I should get going. I smile and grab my bag "bye jimin....get well soon" I walk out the house and walk to the park where I see my friends.
Jin looks at me "where we're you today?"

I look at him "jimin got sick so I was looking after him" they all stare at me "what?!?!" I giggle and nod "his eomma and Appa couldn't take care of him so I offered....he didn't want me to but we know how I am"

Yoongi chuckles "wow....that's impressive... nobody has ever stepped foot into his house" I tilt my head "why?" He shrugs "he doesn't let anyone in" I shrug "oh well! Me and Jimin are friends! That's probably why!" They all nod and we hang out at the park

I hope jimin is okay....

Jimins pov

I wake up and groan. I sit up and look around "what?" I fell asleep on the couch??......wait.... I didn't have a blanket before. I stand up and walk to the kitchen "he's gone?" I see a note on the refrigerator.

I pull it off and roll my eyes


You fell asleep on the couch and I didn't want to wake you up, there's soup on the stove if you need more and some medicine on the counter
See you in school hyung!

Jungkook  xx 💛'

I go to scrunch the paper up but I put it in my pocket and huff "fucking joyful bitch.........I should probably thank him for taking care of me..........ugh I really don't want to......"

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