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Two days later

Jimins pov

I gasp when jungkook jumps on my back "JIMINIE LOOKIE!!!" I groan a little and he then jumps down and shows me a note. I raise an eyebrow "a note?" He nods "it's a love letter! Someone loves me!" I roll my eyes "uh hu....what does it say?"

He smiles widely and opens the note "it says! To jungkook, I don't have the guts to tell you this in person so I'll write it down for you....you were the first person to not run away from me screaming...you were the first person to show me other emotions and i don't know why I can't tell you in person but you made me fall in love with you....I love your amazing personality, your beautiful bunny smile and how your eyes whole the whole galaxy....one day I hope to hold you in my arms and call you mine....but for now baby bunny this is all you're gonna get from me until I man up and tell you this face to face...lots and lots of love and kisses from j..."

I smirk "j huh? Who's that?" He pouts "I don't know....nobody in this school just has the name j.....so maybe it's the start to their name!" I roll my eyes "uh hu....what would you say if they asked you out?" He shrugs "it depends who it is....I already like someone so....I'm not sure"

My eyes widen a little "you like someone? Who?" He giggles "I won't tell you but I'll describe them to you!" I huff and we start to walk to our classroom "he's very tall and handsome! He can be moody at times but most of the time he is a kindhearted teddy bear! However they do push me away sometimes so I don't think they feel the same....but that's okay! I have a secret admirer now!"

He giggles and I chuckle a little "Aish you're so happy over tiny things....and don't you call many people a teddy bear?" He shakes his head "no? I've only called two people a teddy bear before" I chuckle and nod "and I'm one of them" he nods "yeah! Because at times you can be a big teddy bear!!"

I roll my eyes and we walk to class and he shows others the note he got and they smile watching him act like a child with it jumping up and down giggling. I smile watching him

How do I tell him it's from me..... but who's the other person he calls teddy bear??....why do I feel so jealous....

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