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Jimins pov

I listen to our teacher talking about how he met his wife and how he proposed in school. I nod "what's your wife's emotion?" He looks at me "jealousy" I nod "ah I see...so not a weird combination then" he shakes his head "no, however if you and jungkook were to get married you two would go down in history....joy and lonliness? Nobody would expect it"

I hear Jungkook giggle and I glance at him to see him playing with my rings. I smile seeing his bunny smile on his face, the teacher walks over to us and jungkook looks up at him. He smiles "Jimin..can we speak outside?" Jungkook looks at me

I smile "stay here. I'll be back in...you can keep the rings while I'm out" he smiles and nods, I then stand up and walk out the classroom with the teacher.
I lean against the wall and he stands in front of me "it's none of my business but I think you two are perfect for one another"

I sigh "and you think I should propose? Yeah not gonna happen" his eyes widen "don't you want to get married?" I nod "of course I fucking do! But like you said....lonliness and joy will never work" he Huff's and crosses his arms "I'll let you get away with swearing this one time...and I can tell that even if something goes wrong you two will fight through it and get through it together"

I nod "look...sir I appreciate you having an opinion on this but I don't need it....me and jungkook Probably won't last long...so why bother?"
He sighs "yeah you won't last long If you continue with that attitude...you need to fight for him! Do it for your relationship...can't be lonely forever jimin"

He pats my Shoulder and then walks back into the classroom. I pull my phone out and make sure nobody is around, I hesitate but then search Something up
"No...that's too cringey....too cheesy....ew....I'm not doing that.... Aish....on a date?...maybe"

I quickly put my phone away and then walk back into class. I sit next to jungkook who looks at me "did you get into trouble?" I nod "yeah, for getting my phone out. Its nothing don't worry" he giggles and then puts my rings back on my fingers and smiles "I like your rings hyung"

I smile "which one is your favourite?" He shrugs "I like them all...I do like rings with diamonds on...they're so so pretty!...but of your rings...I like this one!" He points to the one on my index finger. I nod "that's one of my favourite ones too....but you like diamond rings yeah?"

He nods "well I find them Beautiful yeah...I would never be able to afford one though they're very expensive" I nod "I see..." I wrap an arm around him and he leans into my touch while walking to taehyung. I look at my rings and then at Jungkooks hand

Maybe sir is right.....if I fight for him then i won't ever lose him....put a ring on him....right?...shit....no....maybe?....
I don't know......it's too soon...

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