1. Lamb to the slaughter

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Today will be your first day at Colorado Springs PD, as the first female detective at the precinct. They have female police officers but they weren't detectives nor did they want to for whatever reason, it was odd. You moved here from DC, wanting a fresh start.

You worked for the BAU back at Quantico, you were with them since you graduated high school, thanks to your dads help. Your dad is a legend among the FBI, he's been catching serial killers since your were a baby, which is why your mother left when you were ten. She couldn't take it any more, she thought your father was selfish for it. Honestly you hated her for it, she didn't fight for you or your brothers, she just left. She didn't even say goodbye.

The last case you handled went south, and drove a wedge between you and your father. It broke your heart and his, but when you told him you were resigning from the team he respected your decision. Now here you are almost a year later from that case and you settled in Colorado Springs and decided to become a detective.

You couldn't stay away from stopping crime, after growing up with your dad and the FBI, it was all you knew. You couldn't picture yourself doing anything else.

You wore a brown- burgundy plaid mini skirt, a rust colored turtleneck with your doc martens loafers. You put on your gun holster, you curled your long black hair but last minute you decided to put your hair in a high ponytail leaving two strands of hair in front to frame your face. Once you were pleased, you smiled and headed out.

You had to meet with Chief Bridges and sergeant Trapp , you wanted to tell them that you wanted to keep you being a former agent a secret. You didn't want other officers and detectives to think you were full of yourself or think you weren't on there side cause you were a former Fed.

As you parked your 1964 black ford thunderbird, you already started getting looks from fellow officers. You shut your door and adjusted your skirt and holster, and walked inside with your head held high.
Everyone was gawking at you as if you were a piece of meat, geez it feels like your back in high school again. Chief Bridges walked out and eyed everyone. You barely noticed that everyone literally stopped working and just eyed you.

"GET BACK TO WORK BOYS!" Bridges yelled, then looked at you, "Ah, detective come this way" Bridges smiled at you and gestures to follow him. Walking across the room full of detectives, intimidated you. Not because they've been doing this for a while but they looked at you as if you were prey. It was the same feeling as walking into a male prison for the first time, that was the only way to describe it. You were a lamb to the slaughter.

"Sergeant Trapp this is Salem Artemis, our newest detective." Chief said as you walked into his office. A gentleman with fair complexion, light brown curly hair and he wore ray ban glasses, he stood up, shook your hand and smiled at you.

"Oh yes, Chief told me all about you, you were a FBI agent? Correct?" Trapp asked

"Yea for eight years, but if you gentlemen don't mind, that we keep that between us. I just don't want-" you started to say.

"Oh and of we understand but-" Trapp started to say he was hesitating a bit.

"We'll keep it under wraps but Salem, if word gets out, they won't see you as an enemy. I know what your worried about, but you have nothing to worry about." Bridges said

"Wether or not you want them to know is all up to you. Now come on I need to show you to your desk," Trapp stood up, you followed suit, you exchanged a small smile with Chief and followed Trapp. "Some advice Salem, just remember you and the guys in this unit will be working close with each other. Secrets do no good, especially with these men." Trapp said

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