17. In to the woods

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*A/N: okay so Freya is Gideon's daughter and Salem is Rossi's daughter. Sorry for any confusion. And this chapter starts with Flip's POV*

Flip watched as you walked off with Callahan. He wanted to say it, but something stopped him from saying it. Ron was speaking to Trapp near one of the cruisers, and he noticed Nancy and Kim watching you as well. He walked towards them, they eyed him as he did so.

"You need anything Flip?" Kim asked opening the cruiser door.

"Do you know who told Bridges about-" Flip asked both ladies

"I did." Nancy said "I overheard it happen, he shouldn't have done that. Not to her." She said in a stern voice. He nodded in agreement.

"Not that I don't appreciate but why'd you do it? You barely know her." Flip said both ladies sighed heavily.

"Girls stick together, especially in this field." Kim said leaning on the car.

"That and she reminds me of my younger sister, she's tough and unafraid. We need more of that." Nancy said forcing a smile on her face. They both got in and drove off.

Ron walked up to Flip once they left, "what was that about?" Ron asked

"Nothing I got my answers, let's head out." Flip said they headed their direction, you could hear the cadaver dogs in the distance, as well see flashlights searching the grounds.

"What do you think of this? Strange case." Ron said pointing his flashlight to the right.

"I'm not sure, it could be a bear attack. On the other hand if that was the case the kid wouldn't be alive." Flip said looking off in the distance.

"I don't think it's a bear attack." Ron said Flip looked over to him, "the girl said it'll get you, she wasn't specific on what it was. Salem even noticed that." Ron explained

"She teach you that?" Flip smiled a bit, Ron nod a bit.

"Her and Freya. Well Freya mostly, she gave me a bit of her old books. Which are technically Salem's." Ron said shrugging.

"So you and Freya?" Flip teased, Ron scoffed and shook his head.

"No no no, we're friends. She's cute but that girl would chew me out, I'm good." Ron slightly chuckled. "So have you told her yet?" Ron looked at Flip.

"Told her what?" Flip said Ron glared at him making Flip sigh, "I haven't yet. I wanted to but i didn't, not in front of everyone. Not in front of that damn rookie." Flip grumbled

"You're seriously threatened by Callahan? he's practically a kid. As for telling her, there is no such thing as perfect timing." Ron said leading the way in to the woods.

"That's what my mom would say," Flip smiled, his mother was hit by a drunk driver, he was the second officer on the scene. He was barely a couple months in as an officer, he nearly quit. He had to keep telling himself that he had to do this for the both of them. No matter how hard it got. He can't talk about it, without feeling a mix of emotions, he could barely even tell Salem. She doesn't make him talk about it, which he's grateful for. He thinks about how much his mom would be happy he found someone like her. Then he stops himself-

"Salem and Callahan found a female victim let's go." Ron said pulling Flip from his thoughts. They rushed over to their section of the woods, as they approached they heard yelling.

"Salem look out!" Callahan yelled out in a distance, then two shots were fired, Ron and Flip got closer. They took out their guns. Another three shots went off. They saw Ben and Jason shooting towards the trees. A women nearly torn apart next to Callahan who was groaning and wincing on the ground, he got shot in the arm.

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