26. Remember me?

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*a/n: how do y'all like the new cover for conflicted? It was done by noocturnalchild on tumblr she also has an Ig: Adam.driver.portraits, she's insanely talented. Sorry the update took a little longer than normal... Halloween was unexpectedly busy, I didn't think I'd have orders because of COVID 😅 anyways I wanna thank each and everyone of you for commenting and loving this Fic. I also wanted to announce I am writing a CYLDE LOGAN X READER FIC...it should be out by the end of the month unless I get impulsive and post it sooner.*

*WARNINGS: mentions sexual assault, blood, guns.*

Flip stood there with Ben, Stan and Ron, along side the other FBI agents as they watched the two of you speak to the butcher. Everyone held their breath as they tried to see what was in the deposit box that Rossi had. When he entered the building he spoke to no one.

"Gideon?" Flip quietly called out for, Gideon didn't have to turn his head to know what Flip was going to ask.

"I don't know what's in the box." Gideon answered, "none of us do." Nick added as they both observed for behaviors.

"Should we be expecting the rest of the team soon?" Ron asked no one's eyes left the three of you.

"This is it. The rest of our team is dealing with another case." Gideon answered, "his demeanor changed the moment she opened the box." He noted.

"Almost as if she was opening a gift..." Nick trailed off. Flip nervously lit a cigarette, others joined, he didn't like this. You in his presence, he desperately wanted to switch places with you.

"Has Freya been made aware?" Nick commented, Ben and Stan scrunched their brows.

"Salem's roommate? Why?" Ben asked Flip and Ron glanced at each other realizing that everyone at the station is going to soon find out that they went behind Bridges back.

"She's my daughter that's why." Gideon answered, "I haven't had the chance. If I told her, she'd with out a doubt come back here and we can't have that."

"With all due respect sir, she's already called seven times." Ron said checking his phone, Gideon smiled a bit and nodded. Ron left the room as he returned the call.

Suddenly Everyone sees you reach to shake his hand, Flip quickly put his cigarette out and stood up. In a quick motion James pulled you closer to his person but you grabbed the top of his head and bashed it on the metal table. James snapped his head back up, his bloody nose dripping into his mouth as he smiled widely.

"There she fucking is!" James laughed, stretching out his arms. You rolled your eyes as you walked out of the room, your father trailed behind.

"Good shit," Stan praised under his breath, she only nodded at his direction.

"He's all yours." She pointed back to James. "Where's Ron?"

"He went to take a call." Flip answered before Ben and Stan did. They eyed him suspiciously before walking into Interrogation.  They could tell he was hiding something.

"What was in the box?" Flip asked you and your father exchanged looks. Flip couldn't read the expression on your face. That wasn't good, Flip thought.

"We shouldn't worry about that now." You derailed, now Flip knew for sure it wasn't good.

"Gideon and Nick, both of you stay here. Salem, we need to talk to you about something." Rossi said they stayed behind while we followed him in to the basement.

Ron closed the door behind as he sneaked into the room, Rossi exhaled before speaking.

"Salem, there is something we need to tell you," Rossi guided you to sit down. You were exchanging glances with everyone in the room. Your eyes stayed on Flip as if you were trying to read the situation.

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