24. Junior Crime Fighters

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*a/n: happy Saturday my dudes <3*

"Colorado springs police department, Salem speaking." You answered your line.

"I don't think we'll ever get used to that, will we Liam?" Eric said you could hear Liam, your oldest brother chuckling in the back.

"At least she's not like dad, 'supervisory special agent Rossi'-" Liam mocked your father, making all three of you laugh. "So pretentious, like geez old man just say SSA," he laughed

"It's worse now, 'unit section chief Rossi here,' I don't think he's ever stuttered." Eric commented. You tried really hard to control your laughter, thankfully the only ones that took notice were Flip and Ron. Other detectives just glanced at you but didn't pay no mind.

"Im pretty sure he practices in the mirror." Liam responded, both of them laughing like hyenas. You had to take the phone away from your ear, you were pretty sure the whole unit could hear them.

"Okay, okay enough you two. I'm pretty sure you didn't call me to heckle dad." You breathed out. Once they finally settled then they started bickering, just like when you were kids. You rarely saw or spoke to your brothers since they started special operations over seas. It was either you spoke to one brother or none of them, it was rare that you spoke to them together.

"Well we wanted to wish you happy birthday, we would've done it sooner but-" Eric started to say.

"We know you hate it, but we're your brothers. So you can't say shit." Liam finished

"THAT," Eric emphasized, "and we had a mission, so we had to go off grid for a bit." Eric said between the two heathens Eric was always the peace maker between you and Liam. Probably cause he's the middle child and he has to put up with you and your brothers shit.

You giggled while you pinched the bridge of your nose. "Thanks you dumdums."

"Hey dad told us you have a man now, and he actually likes him," Liam laughed. "The Colorado air must be doing you good. If your not dating assholes anymore-" Liam teased

"Liam!" Eric snapped at him. You could've sworn you heard him slap your older brother over the phone.

"Just because your god knows where doesn't mean I won't kick your ass with my hands tied behind my back." You warned, making every detective turned their heads.

"Ha! I'd like to see you try, peanut." Liam said Eric groan in the background. You felt bad for Eric considering he was stuck with Liam's obnoxious ass.

"Ignore him, he's on a adrenaline high. Don't ask." Eric said "is everything better? I mean compared to last year.." he trailed off. "Dad told us he treats you good, I'm happy that your happy.."

"Thanks Eric, um.." you looked ahead of you and saw Flip working. "I am happy." You smiled. Trapp announced a meeting in five. "I got to go but thank you for calling, I've missed you both." You smiled

"We miss you too peanut." Eric said, "love you kid," Liam yelled out, you could tell he was most likely on the other side of the room.

"Love you too," you said quietly, you hung up. You looked up to every detective looking at you. "What the fuck you looking at?" You shrugged at them.
They all looked surprised by your tone and of course looked away immediately.

Ron and Flip tried not to laugh at how you tried to be intimidating.

"What an angel you have Zimmerman," Detective Barnes scoffed as they all made there way into the bullpen. Flip's eyes followed you as you went a head.

"Oh you have no idea," Flip grinned as he ran his fingers through his hair while he followed you. Not even sparing a glance at the detective.

Flip smiled even more when he noticed you saved two seats for him and Ron. He chuckled at the expressions of the detectives while your shoo'ed them away. He didn't hesitate to sit next to you.

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