25. All Hallows Eve

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*WARNINGS:blood, vivid descriptions of death. Gore-y audio listen at your own risk.
A/N: hope you enjoy💀 -Ren<3*

After your disagreement, as Flip so lovingly put it, Flip apologized the moment you walked into the station

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After your disagreement, as Flip so lovingly put it, Flip apologized the moment you walked into the station. He could tell something else was wrong but he didn't push his luck. Every time you'd say fight he'd correct you and say disagreement. You wanted to tell him what happened but you knew Flip's temper. He wouldn't hesitate to get Callahan and he'd definitely have some help from Ben and Stan. They'd find any excuse to jump in. The whole situation made your head spin.

You helped Freya pack for the tattoo convention in California, she's been excited about it since she got her booth and you didn't want to spoil that for her.
"Can you believe it? My own booth as owner! Not just an artist!" She squealed packing the rest of her items.

"Im so proud of you, Frey. You deserve this, hell you all do." You hugged her. She held on to you longer than normal. "Frey? What's wrong?" You asked she pulled away and while she had tears in her eyes. She quickly shook them off and laughed.

"Nothing," she shook her head. " i just wished you were coming." She said wiping her tears. Freya was normally emotional but this felt different.

"Next time, i promise. Its just been hectic at the station." You smiled at her, you wiped the rest of her tears off. "We could even take a vacation once this is all over. Flip keeps mentioning a cabin that his family owns. He keeps saying that we should all go," you playfully rolled your eyes. She laughed with you and nodded.

"Yeah once this is all over," she sighed, something else was bugging her. Before you could even ask, you heard someone honk twice outside. "Oh thats them, come on." She carried her stuff out with you trailing behind her.

The guys helped put her luggage in the van, you greeted everyone as they did. You were a bit worried since they were driving to California, you offered to pay for the flights but they refused. Claiming it was more fun to road trip. Which they weren't wrong but considering your line of work you knew how dangerous it was.

"Have fun with Flip and don't forget the outfit. Don't be a pussy." She teased as she embraced you one last time. You couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh fuck okay i promise. Now go, have fun." You laughed, "call me or our dads if anything happens." you told her, she laughed as she got in the van.

"Yes mom!" She teased, they waved to you as they drove away.

You hugged your body as the cold October air nibbled at your nose, Kids wore their costumes walking to school, you could hear their excitement buzzing in the air. Some of the neighborhood kids greeting you before you went back inside to get the place ready for Flip.

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