10. The Murder of Isaac Collins

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*Warning description of crimes.  smut, as well as aftercare are in this chapter*

The three of you waited at your desk til everything from the scene was processed, it felt like the longest thirty minutes. You kept your eyes on your desk to avoid the stares of other detectives. Court officers talk to medical examiners and they talk to cops. What happened during Edgar's trial got to the whole police force, including what the lawyer spewed out in court about you.

"I heard he stabbed her over a hundred times, she died and came back." One of the detectives whispered to another. You rolled your eyes and scoffed at their stupidity.

"Came back? That's not possible-" another whispered "she's a tiny thing. I'm surprised she even got into the FBI"

"Well her dads a fucking legend. I heard she took down the dirty dozen-" the other was explaining while having no shame in staring and pointing you.

"Hey shut the fuck up, don't y'all have reports and shit to do.'' Flip grumbled loudly at them. They quickly turned away and went to their desks.

"Let's go do all this in the basement. We'd be able to focus a lot better with out these pesky distractions.'' Ron said standing up. "I'll let chief know, go ahead.''

"Thanks.'' Was all you said you stood up and started walking, Flip followed you.

"Are you okay?" He asked you exhaled. " come on, Salem. I know that isn't easy.''

"Your right it isn't but I'm used to it. Let's just please focus on this paperwork." You said forcing a small smile. He kissed you while his thumb grazed your cheek.

"Of course." He said smiling, he rolled up his sleeves.

"If they say anything in front of me, I'm going to say something-" he started to say

"Same goes for me Salem.'' Ron said coming in to the basement. "Chief said if we stay all night to finish we get the day off tomorrow.''

You walked to the phone. "I guess its an all nighter.'' You said dialing a number.


"Salem you ever seen anything so so...vile? This shit is pure evil.'' Ron said looking at the crime photos.

"Yea, sadly i have. Garrett Pain, he tore fourteen women apart in a psychotic break. It lasted five months before we found him.'' You said looking at the medical examiner report.

"I heard about that, it was in New Mexico right?" Flip leaned back. "They called it the Reign of pain."

"Yeah. Edgar was merciful compared to Garrett. Isaac was begging for forgiveness." You said picking up the pictures.

"What makes you say that?" Flip asked sitting up straight.

"The way Isaac is against the cell gate and his arm is reaching out. And look at the handprints, definitely was a struggle.'' You stated

"Why did he write on the walls? He's never done that before why now?" Ron asked "in his blood no less, 'storms coming' what the fuck does that mean.'' He put his hands up in frustration.

"The way its written is pretty general. It could mean anything or nothing. It isn't directed at anybody. We need that surveillance footage.'' You said

"They should have it ready by eleven. The systems are old." Flip said pulling a cigarette out.

The door creaked open and Freya only stuck her head inside. "Hey I thought I'd bring food and a surprise since your here all night." She said not moving from her spot.

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