29. Stranger in a memory..

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*A/N: sorry for the late upload, I just wanna say thank you so much for everyone that reads and supports this fic. your kind words means the world to me.
Warnings: mentions violence*

Flip sat in his living room, refilling his glass with bourbon. Something he's been doing to often. He stared at the glass, not realizing that it was yours. It still had some of your lipstick on the rim. His grip tightened around the glass, nearly crushing it. He roared as he threw the glass against the wall, yelling as it made impact.

He watched the bourbon drip down as he caught his breath. Sadness washed over him, it normally did after he'd have an outburst. He hardly slept in his bed anymore, your scent washed away. Every time he'd close his eyes, he'd see you. It killed him that you weren't here, he'd wake up calling out for you.

There was a knock on the door, Flip assumed it was either your brother or Ron. They'd been by constantly to check on him. He knew they meant well but it made him feel as of they were preparing him for the worst.

"Jimmy?" Flip answered the door, Jimmy had some sort of dish in his hands. Most likely something his wife made. It took Flip a moment to register that Jimmy was still standing outside. "Oh sorry, come in," Flip left the door open as he walked back inside.

Jimmy eyed Flip's appearance, Ron wasn't lying to him when he said Flip was a wreck. He was just glad Flip's ankle was healed. Flip reeked of alcohol, he looked disheveled and his place looked just the same. His goatee wasn't combed and neat as it normally is, it was messy and outgrown. His hair was getting longer, he always kept it a certain length.

"Stella made some casserole for you, she knows how much you like it," Jimmy placed the dish on the kitchen counter, he looked at the sink. It was filled with dirty dishes and the trash was over flowing.

"Thanks," a beat. "If you want anything, just help yourself." Flip sat on the couch not paying attention to Jimmy or anything really.

Jimmy sighed and walked over to Flip, "I know it's been tough but you can't live like this Flip," Jimmy gestured to his living area. "This isn't healthy, Salem wouldn't want you to live like this-"

Flip's head snapped at his direction and glared at the older gentleman. "Don't talk about her as if she isn't alive." He snarled at him.

Jimmy rubbed his face, he never had trouble talking to Flip before. Well before you came along it was easy to talk to him. "You're right I'm sorry, I didn't mean like that. I just meant when she comes back, don't you want her to come back and make her feel like nothing changed-"

"But it did," Flip stood up to his height. "She was taken and now she's enduring god knows what type of torture. She took the bullet that was supposed to kill me, I watched as she was forced to walk on broken glass just to be thrown back. She was ripped from my arms and all I did was watch, Jimmy!" He stopped to catch his breath, "you want to tell me that nothings changed?" Flip shook his head, "no, everything has changed."

The last time Flip was this torn up was when his parents past away. It made him more angrier and distant towards everyone. A complete 360 of what he was before but this was different. You came into his life and took down his barriers. Something no one has attempted to do before but you did.

Jimmy was surprised that even chief and Trapp allowed the relationship to go on. He remembered the day he went to visit, it was after your profile included the woman in the woods. Remembering how he spoke to chief right after.

"So what do you think of the 'rookie' ? Impressive isn't she?" Bridges chuckled, "i brought her on, hoping she can put those boys in place. So far it's working." Bridges sat in his large chair.

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