Hatching pt I-Training pt 1

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  Time moved slowly as I drifted in and out of consciousness.

Once I woke up as the guards quickly injected me with a drug. Drifting back to unconsciousness the next time I awoke I was in a tight crate or something else. High temperatures surrounded me, making me sleepy as I dozed off again.

Waking up again I struggled to move as I felt there being less space as an instinct tore through me forcing me to want to get out of the trapped environment I was confined in. The heat this time gave me strength as I pushed against the sides. A sharp crack sounded as I stopped pushing to catch my breath slightly before pressing my legs against the confinement again as another crack sounded pushing harder against the sides as light began pouring through the cracks. Invigorated by the light I pushed harder as the confinements pushed away as I fell onto the ground exhausted.

Heavy foot falls sounded behind me. Looking up I noticed a giant female allosaurus with the same collar as the gallimimus above me as a hiss sounded from me as I tried to speak. Shocked, looking down seeing three clawed hands that were tipped razor sharp claws same with my three toed claw. Looking back up at the allosaur she bent down nuzzling me as a slight growl escaped my mouth. Standing up or trying to stand up as I shook my head as I felt my new tail move slightly as the large female allosaurus gently used her head to help me stand. Squeaking in surprise as I stood up this time using my tail for balance. Stumbling, I took a slight note of my new surroundings seeing a grassy field with a tree that had a shaded area. A small lake was there with clear water as the large giant walked over to the tree laying down as she hissed at me which I understood as,' Come here young one.' Running over cautiously laying down taking note she was around nine meters long nearing ten meters or so. Curling up next to the large female. Looking around with my long neck I took note that it was the size of half a football field. Looking over my shoulder I looked at the dappled browns and greens that now flanked my lean and muscular body. My sense of smell and eyesight was stronger, meant for a predator, curling up next to the elder female I dozed off at the relaxing temperature under the tree.

The elder female was looking at me as she glared at the door and growled. Swinging my head in that direction several guards came in with a scientist," Good he hatched. Retrieve him." The elder female looked at me and growled,' Go hide. My little one.' Bolting off I hid in a small hole near bye as the female let out a large roar as I heard with my sharp hearing," You two circle around and find him." Hearing footsteps approaching, curling up, trying to make myself as small as possible." One of the guards spoke standing directly above me," There is a hole here." Hearing the scientist speak," Turn on the infrared vision." A voice called back," He is in there."

A gloved hand reached down into the hole as I snapped at a finger which was all my small jaw could latch onto. The scientist chuckled," Well he seems to be rather good at biting down." Tugging backwards with my strong neck muscles I heard the guard sigh," Firm grip to. We best hurry before she wakes up." Digging my claws and legs down into the soft ground below I still felt myself getting pulled up as I was now in the open ground as another guard came forward with a small cage. The guard whose pointer finger now in my mouth sighed," He won't be letting go." The scientist nodded," True." The guard carried me as I tried to dig my sharp claws and hind legs into his protective armor scratching it but not ripping through. Noticing the adult female was laying on the ground, unconscious I tried to wiggle out of the man's grip. The grip he had on me is too strong. Letting go of his hand from my jaw as he sighed," Let's put him in the crate tell us to get to the lab." The guard who was currently holding me placed me in the small crate carefully as I caught a glimpse of unguarded skin. Lashing out with my claws I dug into that small piece of flesh. The man's blood came out of the wound as my hooked claws ripped more skin as he tugged out and away from my small but sharp claws. The smell of flesh caused me to drool as my predator instincts came in." Closing the door quickly locking me in as the scientist spoke," Go to the infirmary." Watching as the guard left dripping a trail of blood drops that just made me hungrier as I curled up in the small cage with a hiss.

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