Migration Pt II

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Two hundred miles later; at night; one month later; around midnight.

We kept pace with ease moving in closer during the night to cause some unrest within the herbivores and hopefully make them uncomfortable. I could hear the calls of raptors most likely Utahraptors and Deinonychus and maybe even some Troodons. With my smell I could make out twenty to thirty raptors. One was hanging in the back and appeared to be the alpha. With a growl I whispered," Heads up raptors twenty to thirty around us and the pack." Ren and Dante both growled, silently laughing as they were never morning people or dinosaurs for that matter. Emerald and Rose both shot up as I did the same.

Instantly a minute later roars of attack sounded as clawed feet tore across the ground. With a wince I positioned myself in a defensive form. Hisses from the raptors sounded. With a grimace I prepared myself to go for the kill. As long as we stayed on our feet we would be fine. Seconds later there was a crack of thunder and for a second the sound of them moving was silent. I watched carefully spotting a flash of movement creeping up on Rose I struck. Smashing my tail into the side of the Utahraptor it was sent flying with a resounding crack as it hit the ground. That was the straw that broke the camel's back or in the case the raptors back literally and figuratively. The combined types or raptors all attacked. I felt claws tearing into my side as rain began to pour. Shaking my body as the raptors lost their grip on my wet flank. They fell to the ground and immediately acted upon it. Stomping my foot down I heard bones crack tell I swung my tail hard. Again my tail impacted with a raptor sending it flying.

Seconds later multiple claws were digging onto me as I felt the sickle claw rip into me tearing deep into my flesh. With a roar of pain I grabbed one of them in my mouth before tossing it away. Shaking like a bull I felt them lose their grip. Moving as quick as my three and a half ton body can move I whipped my tail around slamming it into the possibly still falling bodies of the raptors. My tail connected with more than one body. Thunder was rumbling as it let up for a split second I heard the call to retreat. Sighing in relief I laid back down falling asleep.

Time skip morning

I was woken up by the bright light of the sun. Standing up I got a look at all the injuries on us. Emerald healed herself the rest of us had bloody wounds from the deep injuries. We noticed the herbivores had already moved, with a groan," Joy let's close the distance." We immediately started moving but with me at the back still as each step sent pain through my punctured bones. We eventually caught up to them after moving at a pretty fast pace. My eyes widened seeing what they were standing in front of. An open sea." Racking my brain of where we could be, my eyes widened as I hissed," Well this is interesting." Rose looked at me," Why?" With a growl," This is the bering strait in between Alaska and Russia. As for the temperature it is most likely because of the volcanic eruptions a seven and a half months ago. Meaning with the wide array of eruptions I have a feeling that in general the earth is reverting back to how it was in the prehistoric times. Or at least the weather at the very least. Honestly I am surprised we didn't deal with a tsunami." They all nodded as I moved farther along the side as I narrowed my eyes seeing a large shape move. Watching the water I noticed a massive fin roughly six feet in height and I knew without a doubt what it was; Carcharodon Megalodon a sixty foot giant of the deep. The herbivores were all moving into the water as I growled," We need to decide now to follow or stay behind." The decision was instant." They all nodded as Emerald spoke," Your wounds will attract the Megalodon and other predators just saying." Nodding with a smirk," Then it's a good thing we aren't the biggest prey. Though I hope they don't kill that stegosaur I want him." They all chuckled as Ren grinned," You really want at that thing don't you." Giving her a no shit look we got into the water in the back as adrenaline coursed through me as I watched the herbivores getting dragged underwater though the sauropods were a bit harder to get. Sticking my face into the cold salt water I hissed seeing multiple mosasaurs, liopleurodon, and a megalodon. Moving faster we made it to the other side as we all were dripping wet exhausted and I was grumpy as my wounds stung like hell and I am pretty sure everyone else's wounds stung like hell as well.

The herbivores looked at us warily while we were resting in the sand, obviously not trusting us as a Triceratops snorted," Carnivores greedy bastards." My eyes blazed," Brainless fool." As I expected the Trike glared at me and roared," Say that to me again you little shit!" Smirking," I am pretty sure I am bigger than you and if you charge at me who's to say my friends won't take you out. Now run along." Easily reading his body language as I stalked forward looking at Emerald," Do it." She nodded as all my wounds closed up minus the bones, still. With a smirk he howled charging at me. Waiting for the last second as he charged at me I sidestepped before closing my jaws around his neck as my strong bite force and neck grew stronger tell he was on the sandy ground on the ground weak and defeated. With a final powerful twist of my neck the neck snapped as all the herbivores got the message and started to move away while I ate my fill as my friends did.

The moment they finished we started moving again as I could walk easily now. Shooting a glare at the water we moved forward again as Dante sighed," That was a good tasty meal." Crane who was still flying overhead landed in front of us and chuckled," I could hear the neck snapping from up there." I glared at her," Seriously Crane screw you and let's continue moving." With a small grin I knew my revenge would be coming very soon.

A/N Done with Chapter 16 vote, Comment, and Recommend. Before anyone comments yes they all for the most part lost their special abilities. Well except Emerald who will eventually lose it fully.

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