1. hypnotized

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"i think i found a gem" "what? really? where?" "are u sure?" they all talked at the same time. joon nodded and looked happy. hobi grinned widely. "i found mine too. how unexpected" tae clapped his hands and glanced to yoongi "U?" he asked. yoongi just smiled and shook his head.

he didnt wanted them to know. yoongi stalked his "prey" since weeks now. what a fine speciment he got! yoongi watched him fooling around with his friends, helping his sick mother, taking care for his small sibling and dancing. oh how cracefully he could spin his wonderfull body around, yoongi couldnt stop watching him. and he wanted to come out of the shadows finally, let him know who he was, touching him with his consent and knowledge, not like this secret thing, he wasnt aware of. yoongi sighed.


1.1: willing stalker

joon was in a hurry, he needed to get his fix really soon, or there would be a bloodbath! he looked around to find a suitable lunchpartner, when his heart stopt, if it wasnt already dead, when he saw that beautiful creature. he smacked his lips and stalked his new prey. jin smiled. he noticed joon and he knew that he had him, so he moved to the location he planned from the beginning and when they arrived the very narrow and darkish alley, he leaned on the wall and waited for joon to make his move. joon was confused.


1.2: the libary

 kook sighed tired and flipped the page. his exams were around the corner and he had to learn a lot. frustrated he rubbed his face and flinshed back. there was it right across his seat on the library table and starred at him. "the f....unsh....u scared me!" the stranger smiled and still stared at him. kook got kinda annoyed. "do u need something?"


i wrote this a while ago and found it just today. hope its good

and i dont think i included jhope for some reason.... maybe later?

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