11. big wolf vs small wolf

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joon received a call from yoongi and a as desperate one from tae. he needed to move fast and he took jin with him, cause tae couldnt let gracie be at home by herself.

yoongi gave joon directions everytime ji went another direction. they ran fast and far, even ji was still in a todler age, he was diffrent now. he moved too smoothly and too fast for his age. yoongi couldnt decide if he should be proud or more concerned. his son had more than one drop of wolf blood in him. ji suddenly stood still and his head went in all directions, nose up. "whats up son?" "there are a lot dogs, dad.... there... there he is" he sniffed and growled, the chase was on again.


joon and jin picked tae and gracie up. jin sat behind tae and held the baby girl. they didnt have a kids seat, so thats was the only solution. jin embraced the little girl and gave her small kisses. tae sat next to joon and looked at him. "i cant find him" "wolves have jimin. i can imagine they have kook too." "for what? i get it with jimin, but kook?!" "i dont know... i dont know" joons phone buzzed. "thats yoongi.... ji has the lead on jimin" he explained tae. "the little wolf is leading us... i was never so happy to have him in our family" tae sighed relieved. joon looked in the mirror and saw a smirking jin. joon rolled his eyes.


ji stopt again and held his arms out to the side, so yoongi wouldnt passed him. he crouched down and stared at the old house not far away from them. yoongi squated behind him and stared in the same direction. "are they in there?" ji nodded. "my brother is in there, where he is, is also papa!" yoongi took his phone out and texted joon. "shshshsht dad! they can hear us" "stay here and wait for your uncles" he whispered. "dad!" ji held him back. yoongi turned and stroked his sons hair. "please! stay here. be a good boy for me?! u made me really proud today." some tears ran down of jis eyes. he didnt know about werewolves, but what he felt was that this was a very dangerous situation for both of his dads.

yoongi crept closer to the wolves hideout. he managed to get in without getting noticed and silently looked for his partner. the stench was unberable for him. if he was alive he would puked non stop. he crept around a corner and got hit really bad.


joon arrived with the rest at the location yoongi texted him. jin and gracie stayed in the car. it was too dangerous for the humans. joon and tae ran silently untill they found ji. "ji! boy where is your dad?" joon whispered and held jis face. "in that house.... there are so many dogs in there, uncle joonie" he sniffed and tried to control his hiccup. "okay, i want u to go to uncle jin and gracie, they are in the car that way. ran fast" ji nodded, the grown ups ran to the house and tried to avoid to get caught.


yoongi came out of his darkness and looked around. jimin sat infront of him on a narrow bed. he was tied on the chair what was infront of the bed. yoongi groand. "yoongi? yoongi! wake up! please!" yoongi could hear jimins voice, finally he opend his eyes and blinked a few times to get a clearer sight. "jimin? are u ok? the baby?" jimin nodded hastly, tears ran down his face. they whispered. yoongi tugged on his restrains, but he couldnt get out of it. so he tried to hop with the chair more closer to jimin. "whats going on?" "i dont know.... are they wolves?!" yoongi nodded and sighed. "yes... are u sure you both are okay? did they did something to u?" jimin shook his head and took a breath. "they gave me food... but it wasnt the one i need for the baby... we need to get out yoongi! i need my transfusions!" his eyes were red and big, his cheeks puffed up from the crying. "we get out of here, safe and sound, okay bebe?!" jimin sniffled and nodded. suddenly the door was yanked open and a wolf came in. he was obviously the leader of this pack. "who we have here?! the famous suckerrrrr yoongi. how is it going?" he act jovial and sat on jimins bed. yoongi growled loudly. "why did u kidnapped my partner?" the wolf looked amused.

"your partner?! since when are suckers and wolves together?!" "he isnt a wolf.... not a a full one tho" the wolf showed his canines and hummed. "a drop of wolves blood is still wolves blood. u even found a fucking way to impregnant him. i should applaud u." he stated dryly but looked threatning. yoongi smirked. "see we suckers are all in for some surprises. now what u want?" the wolf shrugged. "the usual things, kill u and the abomination, this repulsivness of a breed, than we will get his brother and go back to our territory. make jimin a full wolf. he will be a great omega for a good alpha. i will make sure of it" yoongi was furious, jimin speechless. "i swear if u touch him or the baby i WILL kill u"

the wolf chuckled. "i wanna see that... but i need to catch that little wolf and give it to his new owner." "wait a moment! what u wanna do with ji?!" the wolf turned to jimin and smiled. "i get u, a person gets the little ji. we have enough alphas in our pack, i dont need one more. at least not one like him" "what .... what is with ji?" the wolf sighed. "i really have to teach u a lot about beeing a wolf, my dear omega." he tilted his head and scaned jimins body. he licked his lips. "u will behave jimin, or i let all alphas fuck u. i dont care how many pupps u will have to born." "leave him alone!" yoongi tugged again aggressively on his restrains. he tried to get out of his chair whatever it would cost. "we have a lively sucker here.... how does he fuck? hm jimin?" he sat right next to jimin and layed his arm around jimins shoulders.

jimin tried to get out ouf his embrace, but thanks to his restrains on his wrists it wasnt possible. "oh dont wanna tell me? its okay, after u had a real alpha and your first heat u will forget him fast. and with new pupps u will forget this thing too." he patted the bump. "dont touch me" jimins eyes glowed up in a bright amber and he growled deep. "this is my baby and i dare u to touch it. i will rip u apart, first your fucking tongue out, than your arms, one after one and than your legs. at last i will do terrible things with your filthy stinky dick. touch me and i will let u feel pain asshole!" yoongi and the wolf stared at jimin. the wolf even flinshed away from the bed. yoongi grinned wide and glared at the wolf. "u really wanna piss him off?"

joon heard his phone vibrating. he knew they would get help, they just need to survive the next few minutes. him and tae launched themself onto the first two wolves they saw. it was a bloodbath.

ji ran behind his uncles. never would he go back to jin and gracie, when both of his dads and his little unborn brother were in danger. he stormed by the fighting adults and like a rabbit he avoided every wolf who stood in his way to catch him. his nose led him straight to his dads.

suckers arrived and in minutes they had the house under control. joon whiped blood from his face, the one he had in his mouth, he spit it out. wolfs blood was disgusting. "all clear?" "yeah" it yelled from every corner back. "we need to find the boys" joon ordered and looked for tae, but he wasnt anywhere.


ji looked through a crack in the door and saw a man hitting dad. suddenly a dark red cloud engolfed him. he saw only red, little jis wolf came out and he was pissed. he crept silently into the room and attackt the man immidiatly. surprised the big wolf yelped and tried to figure out what bit him. yoongi looked shocked, jimin surprised, but fired his son on. the wolf tried to get this parasite off him, but jis teeth were very spikey and he was deep in the flesh. "thats good ji! yeah bite him! hurt him!" jimin yelled from the bed. yoongi tilted his head and looked at his love. jimin noticed, stopt for a second to shrug his shoulders and fired his son on again.

joon looked dumpfounded at the scene infront of him. yoongi tied in a chair, jimin tied to the bed and lill ji deep with with teeth in the wolfs ass. 

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