10. wolves and suckers

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a few days later yoongi got a call from the doc, so he and jimin drove first to jin and joon, they gladly would take care for ji, than to the office. "what did u tell joon?" "that we have a romantic getaway for a night" "ji is staying over night?" "yeah. why are u upset?" "i dont know.... and now i am crying...what is wrong with me" yoongi smiled lightly. "hormons" "fuck them!" now jimin was angry again. yoongi sighed.


joon looked at the pair on the floor in the living room. they played with lego and playmobile. when jin heard they would have ji over, he went to a toyshop and bought a lot of stuff. now they enjoyed their playtime together. joon sat down to them and played too. "what are u playing?" "knights and a mighty dragon threatens to destroy the kingdom!" "oh no! we have to slay the dragon!" joon tuned in. ji giggled. he really loved all his uncles.


tae swayed left to right and tried to get gracie to sleep. kook leaned on the door frame and watched them. "how long u gonna stay there?" kook smiled and came closer. "she is asleep" tae nodded and layed her down. "than finally we have some grown up time!" kook smirked at taes suggestion. "hm, i would like to feel u again" "in which way?" tae wrapped his arms around him. "dont care, but i need u one way or another" "than lets have some nice bubble bath" kook grinned.


"so... i have some infos and results for u" yoongi took jimins hand and both focused on the doc. "first: jimin is a decendent of a wolfline. which i dont know yet..." "wolfline?" jimin asked confused. "i will explain everything after i finished with my findings, ok?" jimin looked at yoongi and nodded after he felt yoongis grib thigten on his hand. "ok. second: we need to be very carefull with this pregnancy. jimin u will need blood, as i told u before and it will decreesed with the progressing pregnancy. i have ordered more bloodbags for u. third: we have to make a cecaerion to get the baby out, when its the time." "so its gonna be dangerous for jimin?" the doc nodded. "than terminate it" "what?!" the doc and jimin yelled out unisono. yoongi stood up. "if jimins life is in danger, than we make an abortion. i will not risk your life cause of it" yoongi looked very serious. jimin also stood up. "u are not forcing me to kill our baby! over my dead body yoongi!" yoongi looked angry at jimin. "it could kill u!" "so can going outside, a car or even u" jimin argued back. the doc was helpless in between. yoongi came threatening close. "u are not gonna born that thing" "its not a thing! its a baby! OUR baby! and if u like it or not, we will have it! that is my decision!" "and u force me to take care of it after it killed u" "u have to take care for ji anyway, so what difference will it make to care for this one too?!" "ahm... can i say something?" the doc tuned in. "what?!" yoongi growled. "i didnt say that he will die, i just said we have to monitor him and the baby very closley untill its time to get it out. it will be difficult, cause the little sucker is feeding on your blood, thats why we need the transfusions. so i recommend to take it very easy jimin. u need to stop your classes, u need to lay down a lot, not moving heavy things and be very careful. your pregnancy will be short, as i informed myself. the baby will grow very fast, so u will feel unwell from time to time" jimin nodded with the docs speech. he took everything in and eagerly noted it into his mind. yoongi stood there defeted.


jin and joon went out into the forrest behind their home, for a walk with ji. the kid ran around and had a great time. suddenly he smelt some strange smell and followed it with his nose up. joon was shocked. suddenly he felt unwell. *this cant be... yoongi wouldnt be so stupid....* he had to find out, if his guttfeeling was right or not. "ji! dont run too far! JI!" jin yelled and started to ran after the little kid. ji turned from right to left in heartbeats, always where the smell took him. finally he found the source and stood still. jin panted hard when he arrived the kid. "ji.....seriously....never .... do ....that....again.....whats....wrong?" ji just pointed infront of him. jin looked and with a squeel and a "JOON!" he flinshed back with ji in his arms. a dead mutalated body layed on the forrest ground.

SUCKERS Namjin/yoonmin/taekookWhere stories live. Discover now