6. how i died

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jin nuzzled more into joons body. he tried to warm up the cold dead figure. joon didnt react, he was really dead. jin trailed his hand, more the fingers, over the body. he looked closley every body part, his lips and tongue tasted the textures of his skin. jin handled joon like a delicate thing. he knew how old joon was and he wondert how it could be that he still looked so good and young. jin never asked him how old he was when he died, nor how. jin turned the body on its back and layed on it. slowly he kissed joons face and neck. joon woke up and smiled. "morning, wonderful" "morning. did u sleep well?" "like dead" he chuckled. jin leaned his chin on joons chest. "u never told me about your life, before everything" "u wanna know?" "hm... its not really improtant for me, but u have so many scars." his finger trailed along one long scar between neck and chest. "i dont know if i wanna know. i think it would break my heart" his finger stopt on a big scar by the heart. he tappt it. joon smiled. "but i am here now, even that i died a long time ago" jin shook his head. "still. it makes me cry" he held joon tight.


yoongi husht ji. jimin was still asleep and he wanted to give him some more minutes. yoongi got ji out of his bed and walked to the window. "did u sleep well, son?" ji nodded and yawned, he was still sleepy and nuzzled his face into yoongis neck and closed his eyes again. yoongi chuckled quietly and went back to the bed, he layed down and cuddled with both of them. jimin sighed in his sleep, the sun let his new ring shine. yoongi watched his family sleep and thought about of all the hard and lonley centuries he had to live without them, how everything fell now into place after he found them. all the pain he endured in his life, all the pain he endured after his death was worth it. but he knew that his happyness was in danger, cause of assholes like eduard. "stop brooding so loud" jimin sighed with still closed eyes. "since when are u awake?" "a while...did u sleep at all?" yoongi scubed closer and caressed jimins head. "yeah i did. how was your sleep?" "good. had same nice dream" "about?" "us, the future" yoongi kissed him. "i really love u so much" he whispered. jimin smiled and kissed back. jis tummy growled very loud and the two lauged. "lets feed the little monster!" yoongi grinned


tae pulled kook out of bed by his leg. with a thump he landed on the floor. "ouch!" he hissed and rubbed his head and butt. "oh u are up? great! lets start the day" "its the first morning of our married life together and u are not very romantic!" he grumbled. "baby...u had a great night. that should be enough." "yeah we had...kiss" he pursed his lips to him. tae smirked and pecked a very short on. kook scoffed. "wow. married for a day and the rosy filter is already off!" "we have a lot to do today! get going!" he sighed. kook heaved tae over his shoulder and walked with him into the bathroom. "let me down!" kook got him down again and switched the water on. tae huffed. "u are unbelivable." "u too" kook grinned.


eduard watched yoongi and his friends walking down to the breakfast room. he licked his lips on the sight of the kid. he had to have it, or he would go insane! ji turned his head to ed and stuck out his tongue. he didnt like that uncle. he was creepy! "dad?" "yeah ji-baby?" "dont like this uncle" he whispered into yoongis ear. the "dad" smirked and kissed his son. "i knew u have good senses! i dont like him either!" ji smiled and gave yoongi a big smooch. jimin almost got jealous. but he was happy that they liked, even loved each other. he ruffeld jis hair and gave him a peck too. "hungry?" jimin nodded. "whats with u?" "had u last night" jimin rolled his eyes. "not....that....hunger" he looked from ji to yoongi. yoongis smirk deepend. jimin sighed. "good, than starve! come ji, lets eat!" "when can i be like dad'?" "what u mean?" "a sucker" yoongi and jimin stopt. "ji...what did u hear?" "all...?!" "u know how i or others eat?!" ji nodded. "oh come on!" jimin whined and punshed yoongis arm. "dont hurt dad! but when can i be like him?" "when u are out of puberty" "YOONGI" jimin was furious and horrified. the sucker shook his head. "if he wanna be one when he is an adult, than its his choice" "but...still...." "cool! daddy lets go" with a pissed face jimin went with ji into the room. "hey boys" yoongi greeted his friends. "morning...why are u so happy?! thats...creepy!" "i am happy" "yeah and thats a novum!" "morons! by the way u all look happy!" joon laughed. "yeah! finally everything is inplace!" "dont jinx it!" hobi warned him. "sorry hobi"

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