23. when the war ends

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jimin noticed, that ji was in a better mood. he wondered, if it was just the calm minute before the storm broke loose. but.... he put jae down for his nap and pulled ji into the kitchen.

"i know u are almost grown up now. u are hitting puberty soon enough..." "i am fully in the middle of it, papa" "what?!" "my voice is lower, if u didnt noticed, i have hair now, but not on my chest, is this normal? and my dick reminds me that its there, every morning" jimin was flabbergasted and sat down. "ufff....shit....u are and be happy for no chest hair, son.... my babyyyyyy!" his face grimassed into a sad face. "dont...just dont!" ji looked annoyed. "okay, lets have the talk. i hoped we would have years before we have to, but... " "the talk? really? papa, i heard and saw more than my former innocent eyes should have, since u and dad came together.... and i know, that dad came almost every night for fucking, before u introduced him to mom and me" jimin looked shocked. "wait...what?!" "he always came through your window, or followed u into our home. i know he did something, cause mom never noticed him" ji tilted his head. "oh fucking.... uhm..." ji suddenly looked shocked. "fuuuuck! he hypnotized u! u didnt know!" jimin pursed his lips. "only the first few months?" "that....thats rape, papa! dad took advantage of u!" he was pissed, jimin could tell. he sighed. "calm down. it is what it is. but now we are happy, okay? u see, yoongi was scared, that i wouldnt want him. he knew i was his soul, but he thought i would reject him. he knows he was sooooo wrong, he payed for it, okay? and please dont tell jae ever, how his parents started out?! he should think it was all roses and butterflies" ji scoffed, but nodded. "still not right" "wait...what u mean with "former" innocent eyes?!" ji got reddish cheeks. "i dont know?" "ji? did u.... and az....oh my fucking god! i will so rip his balls off!" jimin stood up pissed as hell. "papa! i moreso forced him, okay?! i wanted it. i didnt gave him a chance to object it" jimin looked at him for a while. he saw it now. he saw the changes. he saw .... his baby was getting an adult soon. shit. why did ji had the more manly side of the family, while he still looked like a fucking teen?! jimin envied his son suddenly. with a sigh, he stroke his hair back. "shit... how was it? did u like it? please tell me u used protection?!" "it was amazing, i dont regret it and yeah, we used protection" "at least one thing.... i am happy for u." "papa, i doesnt mean we will fuck every night, like u and dad. we will go to our little happy place and do it there. i .... am embarrassed if u could hear me, or us for that matter" jimin looked annoyed and grimaced. "u know, u could told us, if we disturbed your sleep with our....love making" ji laughed.


they surrounded the church. it was a shady building, ready for some new construction work, a hilly-billy church, way back into the country of inbreeds and sisterlovers. joon was fuming. yoongi was eager to rip some teeths through throats. tae was calm, he knew what he had to do. az gritted his teeth, he heard the priest talk about the abomination, what was his race and jis. he painted them as savage demons, who loved to kill babies and drink their blood. fuck their wifes and girls, no matter the age. ray was on the verge to just jump the idiot and break his neck right there. they opened the door in silence, stood there. with a cough, ray got the attention of them finally. wolves and suckers fastly surrounded the congregation, nobody moved a muscle. they had left their weapons in their cars, their priest didnt allow them inside the church, his fault. ray walked slowly up to him.

"u all made the worst mistake of your lifes, not only fucking your sisters and have offspring with them, but... the audacity to come to my home, to kill a kings mate and to think u can get away with it in the name of your god?! u should fall on your knees and thank your god, that king ji isnt here with us, or u all would see your god in seconds." the priest scoffed, but ray saw that he was shaking in fear.

"u are demons! u are satans spawns! u must be destroyed!" "destroyed? killing babies and small children in cold blood?! innocent children?" ray tried to be calm, but it was so hard. "children? there were no children! only demons in the making!" "u whiped a whole family out!" "demons!" "PEOPLE! A BABY! CHILDREN! THEY ALL WERE UNDER 10 YEARS OLD! THE BABY WAS ONLY 4 MONTHS OLD! A FUCKING BABY!" rays voice boomed through the church. joon looked around, he saw some tears. some regret. but it didnt matter, if they grasped now the concequenzes of their doings. it wouldnt safe them. they were already dead meat, they just didnt know yet.

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