21. excitement and pain

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ha eun and ji ah grew and showed slowly their own personalities. to jins horror, everybody told him, that his little biter ji ah, was like him. he denied it strongly and if needed with a screaming fit. joon said nothing, just smirked. he knew he was in the right. ji ah, was jin in small and with sharp little teeth. if he wanted to admit, or not. everybody knew and saw it.

"ouch!" joon heard and without turning around, he grinned and said "need help, babe?" "noo? all goo...ouch... if u not gonna stop biting me, i will tape your mouth!" "darling?! thats abuse!" "dont care! she bit me now 4 times.... ouch! ji ah!!! i warn u! bad girl, bad bad girl!" jin wiggled his finger infront of her, he shouldnt. "oooouuuuchhhh.... thats it! joon take this leech from me! i ll take over with ha eun!" joon finished with ha euns diaper and turned finally around. "nope. she is your daughter, u have to figure it out" jin puffed his cheeks up and was about to give joon an earfull, when ji came through the door. "hey" joon and jin looked surprised and a bit pissed. "u cant just come inside our house..." "yada yada yada" ji waved them off and took ji ah into his arms. "we two have to have a conversation, litlle cousin. excuse us" and out he was with their daughter.

"what was that?!" jin still stood there. joon shrugged. "dont know, but i will put new locks on our doors tomorrow! the audacity to just...." "hello!" joon rolled his eyes and pulled jin, ha in his arms, downstairs. "what the fuck?!" joon cursed. "language, joonie. and what the fuck u all doing here?! my house isnt a pigeon house. have some manners!" jin scolded everyone. "calm down, unicorn!" jimin rolled his eyes and sat down next to his son. "sorry for ... jins behavior" joon earned a glare from his love "but... why the hell u are all here?! something happened?" they all shook their heads. "no? why?" tae looked a bit surprised, tilted his head and pouted. az looked around and also shook his head, when he saw nothing threatening. jimin made himself comfortable on the sofa and sighed. hope grinned and stupidly tickled ji ahs chin and earned a bite.

"we just wanted to see, if everything is alright?!" tae smiled. "its all okay, why arent u with kook?" "needed a break" joon laughed evily. "wait for the birth, or when they are finally here" jin slapped his head. "u can press out the next set, than we will have sex again" "sorry?!" jin scoffed at him. az shook his head. on one side, he enjoyed watching married life, it gave him some insight, but on the other, he knew it would have its hard days too. but he wanted to feel all, he wanted to have all. with hearty eyes he looked to ji. and as if ji could hear his thoughts, he looked right back at him and smiled. "so i talked with her, she will try to be a good girl. just make sure she isnt bored nor hungry, ok?!" he gave jin ji ah back. "uhm....thank u, ji" "u are welcome, uncle" ji grinned. "i am gonna go home, u comming az?" he held his hand out to him. az took it and both were out of joons and jins house. "i think that was my cue too. bye!" jimin chirped and walked out too. hope jumped up and followed jimin. "can i stay here for some moments?!" tae asked.


hope bumped into jimins back. "what..." "the hell?!" "what?" hope was confused and followed jimins eyes. first his breath stucked in his throat, but than he had to chuckle. "i see. the apple didnt fall too wide from the tree, huh?!" right there, under the tree, were az and ji, kissing. jimin let some uncoherent sound out, hope held his shoulder tight in place. "let them" he whispered. "are u insane? thats my baby! he is too young..." "they are a couple for life. its normal...." "he is too young!" jimin hissed in anger. hope tilted his head and grimassed. "yeah, but.... u know ji. stubborn, like u" "excuse me?!" "okay, they done" jimin looked back and only got a glimpse of them dissapearing into their home. "i am gonna kill az" "u are not" "okay.... gonna cut his balls off" jimin grumbled to hopes laugh and stomped to his house.

he wanted to confront ji right there, but... "why u so pissed? did jin mocked u again?" "no.... shit" jimin sighed and sat down on the counter. he watched his soul, feeding jae. "wow, he is so big now" yoongi grinned. "i know. he is perfect" "i saw ji and az kiss" "wait...what?! u kidding!" "no" "i will be damned" he proceeded to walk out of the kitchen, but jimin held him back. "dont." "but..." "they are partners for life" "ji is too young" "i know.... i wanted to cut off az's balls" yoongi laughed. "good that we are on the same page" he gave jimin a kiss.

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