24. in the end

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ji brought jae to his own house, he refused to move in to, now it was their new little love nest. the house was still almost empty. kitchen, bathrooms were ready, but no tables, chairs, curtains, beds or the rest was there. az organized some matresses and blankets, some pillows, a small narrow table and seating cushions, some plates and pots to cook and eat from. it was cozy for a young couple.

ji sat jae down and looked into the fridge. he took some things out and started to cook. tho it might just for him alone, but he hoped jae would eat a bite or more. in case he had some bloodbags in there too. jae played with his toys on the floor and squeeked, when he noticed az. "damn... the baby is better than any guard dog! i wanted to jump scare u" "jump scare? me? lol, az!" "i said, i wanted to try" "right" ji smirked and looked back on the pan. "what u cooking?" "something simple. maybe jae will eat it too" "or he can ..." "also in the fridge" ji pointed to it. "u thought of anything" "course" az sighed and backhugged him suddenly. "did i told u that u.... changed a lot?" "good or bad?" "in the best way" "meee... normal" "but... u feel different! your body is harder, your skin still smooth, u are manlier, but not... its strange, but very hot..." "stop babbling" "i am?" ji nodded. az grinned and kissed jis neck up and down. "oh shit..... i dont want u to stop, but 1. i will burn the food and 2. jae is right there" az turned his head and yeah, jae stared at them, his thump in his mouth. "tiny little cockblocker" az mumbled.


jimin tied yoongis hands tight on the bedframe. "what u doing?" "what does it look like?" "looks like u gonna ride me hard" jimin smiled, his tongue between his lips. "quite on point" "great.... or did u had something other in mind?" "maybe. just let me do" "do what u want.... i just hang in there" yoongi grinned. "idiot"

jimin removed yoongis jeans and underwear, nipped and sucked on his skin from the toes up to his thighs. those milky smooth thighs. and the scent the area was giving out. jimin proceeded his doings, nuzzled his nose into the few hair around the base, trailed up and down the muscle, licked the thin strip to his nable and back down again. he took his time, examined the familiar dick again, like the first time. he nipped, licked, sucked, teased his love in all his glory. jimin knew what ticked yoongi off. "u are unfair" "am i?" "oh u are in so much trouble" "u are tied to the bed" "i can get out in seconds" "no u cant. the rope is laced with silver, bebe" jimin smirked. yoongis eyes went wide. "u did what?" jimins face looked ....evil. "u are all mine tonight, darling" "oh oh" again a grin and he had his mouth full of yoongi.


kook tossed around in his bed. he couldnt sleep. with an annoyed huff, he stood up and walked into the nursery and looked around. his sighs were long. he thought about what his life became, what plans he had, what was important to him, before he met tae. now everything was turned around. he prepared himself for his babies. HIS BABIES!!!! he was going to birth twins. his sons with tae. a fucking vampire. who was mated for life with him. and he was a fucking wolf. one that could get pregnant. what the hell happened with his life?! he had no family anymore, he had now his own. his friends were all wolves or suckers. they had children that were hyprids. like his own sons would be.

he jumped a bit, when arms wrapped around him. "are u okay?" "no" "whats wrong" "everything?" tae turned him around and sat him on the rocking chair. "tell me" kook trew his hands up in frustration. "i am jungkook, tae. i was liked. i had a future ready for me. girls ran after me. we had parties. i .... and now? I AM A MAN, TAE! A FUCKING GROWN MAN AND I AM GOING TO HAVE BABIES! TAE! FUCKING BABIES. I HAVE HORMONS RACING THROUGH MY BODY, MY BODY!!! A MANS BODY! HORMONS! CAUSE I AM FUCKING PREGNANT!" tae waited for him to calm down a bit. "kookie..... i know your life changed a lot...." "pregnant, tae" "we know that and u are about to popp them out any day" "urghhhhh!" kook stood frustrated up and walked in circles. "i shouldnt make up my mind with this" he pointed at the nursery. "i shouldnt think about diapers, wiping towels, small beds, toys, pacifiers. i should think of girls, parties, getting the job, beer, boobs" "are u telling me that u having now your identity crises?! like right now?" "YES TAE, RIGHT NOW! MY LIFE ISNT WHAT IT SHOULD SUPPOSED TO BE! THIS ISNT WHAT I WANTED FOR MY LIFE!" tae was taken aback. he looked hurt. "so.... u dont love me?" kook scoffed. "its a bit too late for me to reject u.... we are bonded. it would hurt like a bitch, if we divorced" tired he sat down on the floor. "what.... u want me to do here, kook? should i get u a girl? do u want to have ...what...a year off? live on your own, get a job, reconect with your friends, have parties?!" "i cant, can i? i cant leave my sons, now. i would be a horrible dad, if i left them to ran after my old life, right?!" kook looked hopeless. tae rubbed his face. "i think u should talk with jimin, jin or ji. they had also a life before all of this. their life changed like yours" kook scoffed and glared at him. "come on! u saw them. they are happy how it all turned out. they never doubted their fate. they welcomed it" "i am not so sure about it.... maybe jin, cause he wanted joon first, but... " he pointed his finger to him and kook "...we and yoongi and jimin were another story. we had to .... make u ... love us... make u see that we belong together" kook nodded slowly. "talk with jimin please" "okay"

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