2. yoongis prey

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he came in with jimin. the mom was in the living room, his brother next to her. jimin greeted them and unpacked the groceries bags. they didnt talk much, it was very late and everybody was tired. jimin ate what was left for him, brought his brother to bed and went in his room. yoongi followed. he watched him getting out of his workclothes, taking a shower and than standing infront of his window nacked.

yoongi admired every feature of jimins body and sighed.

jimin suddenly had the shivers and goosebumps all over, but not of the cold air. something threatening, something dark was lurking in the shadows. he couldnt see it, but he could feel it. he knew he would have another weird dream again. the kind of a dream, what was so real, it made u freak out in the morning. woke up drenched in sweat. he didnt wanted to sleep, but his body was engulfed in a iron tiredness and a relaxed feeling, that he only could sigh and fall asleep. yoongi smiled. jimin looked even in his sleep so beautiful. carefully he sat down and watched him closley. oh how he loved these big lips, the small nose, the long lashes. jimin was almost too perfect. yoongi licked over his dry lips, leaned forward and tasted the other ones. jimin let out muffled sounds, which resembeld whines and complaines.

yoongi knew deep down in his subconscions jimin was protesting. that he didnt want that, but yoongi needed it. he ignored the whimpers and let his hands feel jimins skin, or let the skin feel his hands. jimins body arched. "i know, i know! i am sorry! i ll make it quick today!" he whispered. jimin started to relax and breathed deeper. yoongi kissed him softly, stood up and got out of his pants. "come on, spread your legs for me" he whisper-ordered him. jimins legs did as they were told on their own. yoongi sat inbetween his legs and let his fingers play on jimins hole.

"u are not wet for me. come, get wet!" he ordered him again. jimin let out another whimper. yoongi layed on him and distracted his subconscion from what was comming. yoongis fingers still on jimins treasure cave could feel slowly the incoming wetness and devoured jimins lips more. yoongi always made sure that his prey would at least felt a bit good and satisfied when he did what he did with them. and with jimin, he wanted him to feel amazing. "i should bring u somewhere else next time! i really wanna hear u scream for once!° yoongi whispered and pushed in. jimins whimpers and cries didnt increes in volume, althou yoongi could pysically feel jimins screams. his mouth over jimins, the arms over jimins head and a steady fast pace, jimins body reacted to everything immidiatly. yoongi enjoyed the small shudders he could get out of the other body, the arching and the quiet moans. when jimins hips started to slam against his, yoongi fasten up quickly.

jimins mouth hang open with a silent scream, his eyes pressed shut, red sweaty face, his body spasmed and his dick leaked a lot of fluid on him. yoongi panted heavy and looked into jimins face. jimin had his eyes open, but they starred into nothingness. yoongi sighed. for once, he wanted jimin to look at him and aknowledge that it was him who made him feeling good. made him come and come again. yoongi sighed again, cleaned the boy, put the blanked over his body, got into his pants, kissed him once more and went silently out.


jimin growled in his half sleep and woke up eventually. as like the last few mornings, he felt a mixture of satisfaction, pain, unwell feeling and eurphoria. a funny unexplainable feeling. great and horrified at the same time. jimin sat up. his hips hurt, his butt. "shit" he grumbled and started his morning routine.


jimin closed the door after the last guest went out. finally! he was so busy today, that he couldnt think about the vivid dreams he had since a while now. he cleaned the bar and the tables, when he suddenly smelt something what pushed a spesific button or switch in his head. he had to hold on a chair and took a deep breath. jimins body shook violantly when it sensed yoongis humms. "strip down for me" yoongi had switched off the lights, only the decolights infront of the counter was still on. yoongi watched him, closed in and wrapped jimins arms around his waist. yoongis mouth ghosted over jimins. "are u ready for me? i want u to be lout as u like, okay?! show me how much u like it" jimin let out an agonizing moan. yoongi sighed. "yeah let it out" he invated jimins mouth and got them out of their unnessassery clothes, so mainly the pants.

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