16. choices

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careful yoongi heaved up jae and walked out with him. jimin needed still his rest and sojae was whiny. yoongi kissed his baby and walked to the river. a sleepy ji ran after him. "why are u up so early?" "wanna be with my brother." "wanna help me bath him?" "yeah!" ji got the water and brought it to the field kitchen. they sat down and waited to get hot. ji stroked jaes hair and giggled. "he is funny and really grumpy, like u dad" yoongi furrowed his brows and pressed out a smile. "bad sunny boy! i am not grumpy" "oh really, dad?!" he smirked. yoongi nudged him with his elbow. jae gave out some giggeling sounds. "see told u. i think the water is ready" "can u still understand or hear him?" "not that good now, since he is out, but yeah. i love him so much... oh... dont tell papa, but i found my mate" yoongi looked surprised and backed with his upper body a bit away to see im fully in the eyes. "a ... mate?! allready?! ... wow... i just dont know what to say... u are still so young, sonny boy... congrats?" ji smiled wide at him. "its cause i am a king... thats why its so early, i think. and she wont be my only one, lucien told me" "woha... jimin will not be happy with that... so we shouldnt tell him a thing until u are...20. oh who is it?" "augusta" "the little girl? a wolf... sooo ..." "u gonna be a grandpa someday, also from jae. he is an omega" yoongi flinshed away and focused on his babyson. "an omega???? are u sure?!" ji nodded. "my poor baby! ...OMG! he will have pups! like your dad! oh noooo... jimin is gonna kill me!" ji giggled. "he will not do that! he will be happy, he can tell jae everything he needs to know about pregnancy and babies." yoongi didnt look convienced. "he will definatly be pissed"


hobi nuzzled his face more into luciens body, slowly he woke up and looked a bit surprised. with a sigh he held lucien tighter. even in the morning sun his soul looked beautiful. "morning" lucien smiled. "hm... too early" hobi growned. lucien chuckled. "come on i need food. u drained me good yesterday" "sorry, but u tasted so good... are u okay?" hobi leaned up and looked into his face. "no all fine. just really really hungry!" hobi smirked. "food.... or something else?!" lucien heaved up and kissed him. "real food, for the other hunger we will have tonight" "oh..." hobi pressed his head back into luciens body in disappointment and trailed his hands down to the sensitiv area. lucien flinshed and tried to get hobis hands away. "hobi!" "kiss me... please!" "dont look at me like this! oh... u are really..." hobi cut him off with his kisses.


kook woke up, drenched in sweat again and shot up from another nightmare. panting he sat on the edge from the bed and looked to grace. she was already up and looked at him. kook showed her a fake smile, walked to her and got her out of her crib. "wanna take a shower with me?" gracie smiled and kissed his cheek. "okay, lets get it" he really tried to get his nightmare out of his system, but it still stucked in his brain. he hoped that the waterfall and the cold clear water would put his mind at ease. tae was awake, he was awake since he heard kook scream out in his sleep. tae was concerned. kook had now nightmares since a few days and they got worse by night after night. tae stood up and walked out to look for lucien or ji. maybe they could give him advice with kooks dreams.


"hey, u are up early. u look pale, are u ok?" "i am fine... just...maybe i get sick." "than please stay away from jae! he is too young to get sick" kook noded and got into the water with gracie in his arms. "is he alright?" "just grumpy and hungry" yoongi grinned wide. "by the way... what do halfbreed eat?" "for now blood or milk, we need babyformula too." ji stated. "blood?!" "yeah. normally his moms or in this case dads, or a close relative. from the same bloodline." "oh... gross!" ji chuckled. "its normal, he is a half sucker" "and an omega..." yoongi sighed. kook laughed out. "why are u laughing? u think its funny that my baby son will have babies one day?!" kook tried to calm down, but bursted out in giggles now and than. "oh...wait... he is half sucker! what will that mean... i mean in lifetime and can he have pupps..." ji sighed. "he will live longer than a normal human or wolf, but he will eventually die one day. and i think he will have pupps, maybe not a lot, but at least two. i have to ask lucien about that." "but he will have a mate, or soul and it will be a male, right?" ji nodded. kook grinned to yoongi. "at least one will live up to the family tradition!" "idiot!" "me too, uncle kook!" "u what?!" "i also will have a male mate!" "but i thought u say u have the little girl..." yoongi was confused. "i told u i will have more than one. so its possible i will have a male mate too." "oh...right...i just thought..." kook shook his head and smiled. "lets get us some food! yoongi?" "hm?" "what are u gonna do now... i mean jimin just gave birth. can u eat?" "nope. i have to wait" "will u not starve?" yoongi chuckled. "no. the doc has still bloodbags in the fridge. i will have these" "oh... wow i learn alot here"

SUCKERS Namjin/yoonmin/taekookWhere stories live. Discover now