13. long live the king

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the plan was hatched, everyone was included, also hobi, who was griefstrucken by the death of his soul. she didnt made it through the surgeries. nobody could console him and everybody knew hobi wanted revange. that was his right. yoongi brought jimin to the doc, to get his needed transfusions and to stay there safe. ji would come with the grown ups, just in case. yoongi ensured jimin that he would keep him safe. jin would stay at home with grace. joon was confident that jin could defend himself pretty well and fished the damaged doll out of the trash and put it on the counter. "u told me to throw it away" "just in case" jin grinned and held it like a trophy. "we should give her a good place on the shelfs later, when all is over!" joon chuckled. "a bit creepy, but ok"


"we need to free him! he is one of us" "i agree. but there are suckers and rogues. it wont be easy, also his soul is looking for him too." "soul!" the other scuffed. "he doesnt need a soul, he needs an alpha, so does the other one. and we need to free our king. he is surrounded by the suckers. its not a good environment for him to grow up" "cale.... he didnt kill the suckers and he calls them dad and uncles..." the beautiful and young guy stated quietly and softly. the older one scoffed back. "he loves them, they know what he is and they accepted it. so why cant accept u? this is a new age, the lines are blurred and exeptions are needed and welcomed. brother jimin is with a hybrid child from his soul, he IS the soul of a sucker, brother kook IS the soul of another sucker. if u like it or not. these are the facts. and if our king is okay with it, so we have to obey." the soft spoken young wolf showed a smile to the heavely scard older wolf. ashamed the older let his head hung. "i am sorry. u are right. i think i have to wrap my mind around these new ... times... i apologize" "it is alright. i know u need to get used too, all of u and it takes time. but right now, we need to get our brothers to safety. lets start the work"


jimin sighed as he watched the blood ran down in his arm. "are feeling comfortable?" jimin nodded. "yeah thank u. the baby is moving, i think he was slowly starving" the doc smiled. "would take a bit more to kill it..." "him" "what?" "ji said its a boy" "oh....how does he know?" "kids?" "ha..." the doc sat down. "we need to talk about the delivery" "u said something about a caesarion?!" the doc nodded. "u want me to explain it to u?" "no details please" jimin scrunched his face. "ok. i will make a cut from here to here:.." he motioned it on jimins belly. "... than i have to open all the layers of fat and muscles and held them open, like this..." he motioned further. "...than get your gutts and maybe your liver out, but no worries, thats normal, to get to the baby, cut the membrance and pull it out, cut the cort and put everything back in you and stich u together. any questions?" jimin looked shocked with open mouth, big eyes and pale as the wall behind him. "pardon?... what???" "i will cut...." "no no i get it... please shut up and never ever tell me anything about it again!!!" "oh okay. so wanna see the baby?" "yes please" the doc got his scan out and with gel slid over jimins bump. "here it is" a clear black and white picture formed on the monitor and jimin saw arms, hands, fingers, a cute big belly, long legs, cute little feet, toes, a big head with the cutest nose he ever saw in his life. a big big smile grow on jimins face. "he looks so cute" "he looks big.... let me do the math.... oh, yeah he is the propper size, no worries." "i am not worried, looks like more u are" jimin looked concerned at the doc. the doc sighed. "u are my first omega who will give birth with a hybrid in my office... so i am a bit excited and nervous. mostly of the other father of this child" jimin had to laugh.


kook tried to get the rope off of his wrists, but couldnt succeed. slowly his door creept open and a young guy looked inside. he saw kook and grinned wide. what a nice smile. the young man sht him, came fastly to the bed and loosend the ropes for him. kook was surprised, but something told him, that this guy wasnt a threat. the guy gestured him to follow him, stopt kook at the door, looked outside around and pulled kook with him out to the floor. with a loud beating heart kook ran out of the house and after the mysterious guy into the woods. "wait!" they stopt. kook propped his hands on his knees and panted for needed air. "who are u? where are we going? why did u help me?" the man chuckled and tilted his head. "i will explain everything when we are at a safe place. we need to get away from here" kook looked around and nodded. "just... slow down please! this fucker sucked too much blood from me" the man held kooks hand again and they ran, but slower further into the woods.

SUCKERS Namjin/yoonmin/taekookTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon