15. sex to paradise and new family member

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joon stood there speechless. jin still starred at the doc with a hung open mouth. "say that again..."jin husked out. the doc shrugged and cleaned his glasses. "u heard me. same as with jimin. maybe we should warn the others? it looks like that u suckers are still having swimmers in u" jin looked from the black and white pictures to joon and back. "is he.... dead dead?" the doc asked. jin looked again. "no, see his right eye is twitching!" he dryly said and studied the pics again. "how long will it take?" "with regular transfusions ... maybe 4 months?!" "hm... so i have plenty of time to decorate their rooms" "i should order more bloodbags. great. u will need the double dosis" the doc rubbed his tired eyes. jin smiled wide. "and u have to be more carefull than jimin, understood?!" jin nodded and stood up, walked up to joon. "are u coming?" joon, the statue, still didnt move. jin tilted his head and stared at him. "joon? worldwide handsome on sucker no.1?! helloooo?" jin raised a brow and gave his soul a wet kiss and joon snapped out. "huh? what happend?" jin giggled. "lets go back to the camp" "oh okay...." the doc rolled his eyes. *suckers!*


jimin waddled to ji, lucien and another girl, roughly in jis age. "hey, what are u doing?" "papa! why are u not in bed?" "cant lay around all day... i ll get sore... and i am bored" "where is daddy?" "sucker business. he is looking for joon. hello, who are u? i am jimin, jis dad" the girl smiled shyly "ingrid augusta ifigenie lucia moon" "interesting names" jimin smiled back. "my parents are weird... mostly with the names" jimin laughed out. the girl was sassy and funny. "than how u want to be called?" "just august is ok" "ok. hi august" the little one smiled. ji came close to them and held augusts hand. jimin looked with a tilted head. "oh u are already friends?" "u can say that...." ji smiled with reddish cheeks. jimin thought they looked adorable. "i teached some essentiel things they need to know about a wolf life." lucien told jimin. "oh..... i think i should join u" "u papa?" "course. i am a wolf too. a new one tho, but u are one and your brother will be a half too. so i need to learn some stuff too, dont u think?" ji nodded. "u are right. and my brother will learn too with u." "he hears everything?" jimin scrunched his face. he disliked that idea a lot.

ji smirked. "yeah, he hears everything and everyone. EVERYTHING" "u dont have to say it like that.... i already understood, what u ment.... thanks" jimin got embarrassed again. "dont worry papa, i will babysitt, so u and dad have some alone time" he grinned again. jimin glared at him with pressed lips. "since when are u so... grown up? u are still a child" "and a king" ji smirked wide. "yeah a damn king... still u are my son and u will do as i say. until u are ... 30!" "dad!" lucien laughed. he really liked the kings family. they loved each other. suddenly he felt vibrations in the air. confused he looked around. shivers hit him. luciens eyes got big. he knew what that ment. his head snapped around when he heard steps towards to them. "you?!" "what?... i just came to speak with u lucien" hobi held luciens arm and both flinshed from the impact the touch had. hobi looked confused, than it dawned on him. "what? how.....i just lost her... cant be... its too soon...lucien?" lucien sighed and pulled him with him. "lets talk. kids, we will continue tomorrow. ok?" the kids and jimin nodded.


kook played with gracie and talked with some other wolves, mostly omegas like him. they laughed a lot. tae watched them from afar. he didnt want to disturb and he needed to wait for joon. yoongi sighed. "where the hell is he?" tae didnt replied. yoongi looked up and than where tae was looking and sighed. "a lot changed, hm? never thought i would be a family man again. never thought i get a second chance." yoongi smiled with his words. tae sighed too. "yeah... i was stupid than, just had my beauty and fast fun in my head. never let my emotions out. and now i cant live without them." "beauty?" "let it go asshole" yoongi chuckled. joon walked up to them like a zombie. tae and yoongi looked concerned. "joon? what happend? all okay with u?" joon shook his head, but didnt say a thing. "joon?!" yoongi pulled him closer. "say something!" tae was irritated. "cant...not now" finally he said something.

SUCKERS Namjin/yoonmin/taekookWhere stories live. Discover now