17. hurts

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kook woke up groaning. his tongue felt fuzzy. he rolled it in his mouth to get the feeling away and finally managed to open an eye. he saw his love blurry, but he smiled. "hey" his voice was hoarse. "hey... how u feeling?!" "like shit.... what happened?!" tae sighed deeply and wiped a tear away. "how about u take your rest and we will talk later? i ll talk with the doc and yoongi, ok?" kook nodded slightly and fell asleep again.

"he is grouchy" he informed them. "no wonder" yoongi stated and tried to get the bottle out of his sons greedy mouth. "come on.... give me the bottle back!" the doc shook his head. "at least he is drinking now formula too" jaes mouth released the bottle with a plopp. tae looked at him. "i should be happy. i still have kook and one child alive" contray to his words he looked sad. yoongi rubbed his back. "yeah u should be happy, brother. u could have lost all three" "i know..... shit" "so... baby A is healthy, is growing like it should be, the heart rate is perfect, the bloodflow from and to him is so much better now. it looks really good for your offspring" the doc reviewed from his charter. "what...was it? boy or girl?" "two boys" "oh...." tae sighed deeply again. "if u gonna cry, i will smack u! u have a healthy great son and kook is okay... he is right, doc?" yoongi looked to the doc. "what.... oh yeah sure... he is okay now. his body only reacted badly to the dead fetus" "u wanna come back to the camp or u gonna stay with him?" yoongi looked back to tae and tried to secure his fingers away from his biting them. "i stay" "call and i send u a car.....ouch.... u just had a lot of milk!" yoongi shook his bitten hand.


jin huffed. his belly got bigger and bigger. he felt his kids tossing and turning. "ji.... please tell them to behave... or i will give them an earfull" he glared at his belly. ji laughed and touched it. *hey, i am your cousin ji. please be nice to your daddy. he needs sleep to have enough energy for your births* he grinned at the twins reply. his uncles would have really all hands full with those two. "they try to behave, uncle jinnie" "thanks baby" jin sighed out in relieve and smiled at the boy. "its nice that u can communicate with them.... why cant i tho?" "u are only halfbreed, uncle, sorry" jin huffed. "uuhhh, unfair.... but okay" they looked up, when they heard jimin curse. "why u are up?" "i cant lay down the whole day. where are yoongi and jae?" "there are at the docs office. uncle kook fainted" ji jumped up and helped his dad the way over to them. "uff.... i should have been nicer to my mom.... its really awful!" "oh thank u so much, asshole!" jimin rolled his eyes. "shut up. u more getting a cesarion and not have to press them both out!" "still.... asshole" ji grimaced. "sometimes i wonder who is the child here" he mumbled. "huh?" "nothing, daddy...." jimin sat down and inhaled deeply. "that feels better" "so... when u going to have the next?" jin grinned, jimin glared at him.


lucien finally arrived at his work. he had left hobi in their tent and he grumbled a bit. thanks to his sucker love, he had to work faster to met his goal for the day. "lucien" "my king" ji rolled his eyes. "nobody else is here" " i see. ji, what can i help u with?" "no really.... okay, what is the apropiate way to deal with ed? do we have rules, do we need to include the king of the suckers?" "joon will take care of it. and yes, we need to include the suckers, cause ed is one. we would insult them, if we trial ed without them. its their dessicioun too." "cause he used wolves for his dirty work" "that too" "wow... i need not only to learn wolf business, but also suckers. let alone because of jae. he is right in between the two groups" "so will the others" ji grinned. "u have no idea... jin and joon will have really feisty girls. and we have to educate them well. or we will have huge problems" lucien huffed in amusement. "oh no... wolf-sucker hybrid gone wild is the last thing anyone wants" ji nodded grinning again and turned his head, when he heard his dad and brother comming back.


"ma baby!" jimin tried to jump up, but failed big times. yoongi held his laugh in, but jin didnt. "shut up.... u look like a whale!" "rude!" "just the hormons, jin. sorry" yoongi apologized and just earned a scoff from his love. "if i am that bitchy after i have the babies, please remind me" jimin cursed under his breath and snatched his son out of yoongis hands. "my little babyyyyyy" he kissed the small face all over. yoongi shook his head and sat next to him. "he had a full bottle of formula" jimin looked at him suprised. "really? he ate real food?! wow! how did u make him?" "i just tried?" "smart ass" yoongi showed him a smug face. "so they eat normal food too?! oh i am relieved" "hey dad! jaejae" ji grinned and snatched his brother from jimins grasp. "hey!" "u had him forever in your belly" ji stated and cooed with his brother, nuzzled his head onto his smal body. "oh... u had milk?!" he looked at his dads. "why is everyone so surprised?! its normal for a baby to have formula?!" jimin srcatched his head. "sorry, dad, but... he is also a sucker. he needs both... arent we?!" ji boobed jaes nose. the baby giggled.


hobi creeped into the cave to the large cage. his eyes glowed, as he circled the object. "i really would like to torture u, before i will let u meet the true death" he growled. ed snickered. "i wanna see that .... and how dare u! i am a duke! u are nothing but a soldier, a boot licker of your princes feet" hobi scoffed and gave him a dangerous smile. "u really have no idea, who we all are, dont u?! maybe u should had put some time to know your enimies, ed" "i said...." "shut your filthy mouth! u killed my soul! u kidnapped my friends.... what the hell u have to say for yourself?!" "i dont have to tell u or anyone anything" "u will have a trial" ed laughed. "by the filthy dogs?!" "no. by all of us. its sucker business too. u will be trialed by all of us. wolves and suckers. u are in deep shit, ed. u will meet true death." ed finally wasnt so smug anymore, hearing that. "the king, surely wouldnt come here for that. he has better things to do... and i didnt do really something to meet the true death" hobi shook his head. "u are really so up your ass. u killed, u betrayed our and wolves law, u hurt border laws, u tried to feed on a child... a child!" ed scoffed. "u know, that child is the king of the wolves?! so u tried to kill their king.... wow ed. u are in huge shit" ed would get pale, if he already wasnt. he knew he was in a deep hole. but... how the hell had he should have known, that this delicious child was a fucking wolf and the fucking king of the inbred wolves?! hope watched him closely and smiled. "u really are screwed asshole. enjoy your last days" he turned and left the cave. outside he inhaled deeply and felt a bit better. he saw eds fear. he enjoyed it.


tae caressed kooks face and smiled, when he woke up again. after he watched him ate his dinner, tae took a breath.

"the reason u felt so ... funny the last few weeks, was cause..... " "cause?! talk tae! is something wrong with me? cancer? some...." "pregnant" kook froze and just blinked. "wtf...." "u know... u are an omega...and omegas can get pregnant...like jimin and jin...." "my god... where is gracie?!" tae needed a second. "she is with the others?!" "oh okay...pregnant huh.... " "u had twins" "had?!" "we lost one, thats why your body... and u fainted..." "oh... the doc had to remove it?" "him...yeah" "a boy?! oh...." "but the other is okay and healthy" kooks face lit up. his hands found its way to his belly. "another boy?" "looks like" "its sad, but i am happy too" tae gave him a big smile. "we will protect him, right?!" kook nodded. "the poor boy will be protected like hell.... he will hate us!" both smiled at each other.

 he will hate us!" both smiled at each other

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