8. the greed for blood and vitamins

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the next day started with a group brunch. after it, they went on their way again. kook and tae drove first, than yoongi with jimin and ji, hobi and valerie at last. jin and joon waved at them and got in the house again. jin let himself fall onto the sofa and sighed. "u okay?" "not so much. have a headache and my feet are swollen... weird..." joon sat down on the table and started to massage jins foot. "oh that feels good" "maybe we should take a break at our nightly activities?!" "only the nightly ones?" jin smirked. "idiot... and by the way, did u forget to take your vitamins or iron tablets?" jin shook his head. "no why?" "u taste different" "how so?" "a bit lame, dont take it the wrong way!" jin looked tired. "i will go to my doc to get another subcribtion. maybe i need stronger ones" joon nodded. "want something?" "just a nap would do"


jimin huffed and put ji down. "wow, u ate so much. i almost cant carry you" yoongi chuckled and heaved ji up. "he isnt heavier as three days ago" he looked at jimin. "are u okay?" "yeah! nothing is wrong. dont u think he is heavier?" "am i?" ji chirped to his dad. "nope he isnt" "hm... i am unpacking our stuff" "u want something to eat?" "oh yes please! i could eat a whole cow!" yoongi chuckled again. "i will shoot one and put it on the grill. how u want it?" "bloody" yoongi raised his brow. "since when?" "dont know. just got the urge to have it really bloody... did u do something to me?" he glarred at yoongi. "nooo.. not without your absolute consent" "hm..." he looked at yoongi again and walked up to their room. yoongi and ji looked at each other.


kook jumped on the bed and giggled like a child. "come on! u destroy the sheets." "come up to me!" kook giggled even more and stretched his arms out to tae. tae sighed and climbed onto the bed and jumped with kook. they had fun for a bit, until kook ran out of air and fell onto it. he panted. "whats with u?!" "can...t...breath.... air..." tae sat down next to him. he touched kooks forehead and chest, listend at his heart. "u breath fine, your heart is ok, u are only a bit hot" "ok.... thanks" "how about we dont jump around on the bed anymore?!" kook grinned. "for now" tae rolled his eyes. "u are really a child sometimes" kook looked at him smug "sometimes?" he wiggled his brows. tae slapped his head. "do u need a spanking?" kook grinned. "oooohhh! wanna see that!" "just wait!" he jumped on kook and turned him over fast and spanked his butt.


jin went to his doc and got a blood test. "u got some insufficienys with the iron and calcium. i will prescribe u some new meds. please take them everyday. some new vitamins too. u should feel better in no time" "thanks" jin drove to the pharmacy, got what he needed, turned to get out, when somebody held his elbow. "arent u namjoons partner?" jin looked into the strangers face. he smiled when he recognize him. "oh hey... henry?" the other nodded. "why are u here?" "just some vitamins and stuff" "oh yeah. are u not feeling well?" jin smiled again and shook his head. "no everything is ok" henry came closer and whispered. "if u are and its cause of your partner, go to this doctor. he knows our kind and is examin our partners. he knows everything and u can ask him anything" he gave him a card with the docs name, address and phonenumber. "thank u! i will go to him than" henry nodded. "what are u here for?" "prescribtion for my partner" he waved with a sheet of paper around and smiled wide. jin laughed and they went their way. jin drove, after the groceryshop, home. he huffed and put the bags on the counter. "joon?" he shouted out. no answer. "joonie?" he went out of the kitchen to the livingroom, after no sign, he went up to the bedroom. jin couldnt find joon anywhere. "strange...." he went back to the kitchen and started to put away the stuff. his phone went off. "jimin, hey! no...no yoongi isnt here. joon is also not here.... no idea...he didnt tell u? me neither.... i was at the doctor, pharmarcy and mall....no...yeah i will let u know! good...okay...bye" jin sighed.


jimin felt bad. he had to stop his dance practice after he felt sick. he even had to puke and only blood came out. shocked to his core, jimin went home right away. maybe yoongi knew what was wrong with him. but as he came home, yoongi was nowhere to be found. jimin felt so sick, that he made a tea and layed down for some hours. when he woke up yoongi still wasnt there. now jimin was scared and worried, his sickness wasnt better, he had to vomit again. jimin sat next to the toilet and was desperat. yoongi wasnt here, he was sick and didnt know what it was and he had to pick up ji from the kindergarden. he called jin, than kook. "hey kook. can u do me a favour? can u pick up ji? i am really sick and dont know where yoongi is.... no joon isnt at his place either.... tae too? what the fuck is going on?!...no i just...woooorrrrgggg.... sorry....thank u.....noooo dont wanna bother u.....thank u...." kook would pick ji up and the little one would stay the night with him. jimin took a bucket and layed down on his bed again. he fell asleep.

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