12. danger in a doll

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tae was in a frenzy. he couldnt find a trace of kook anywhere in the house. he stumbled down to the basement and wondered why joon was laughing hystericly. tae looked into the room and saw the leader alpha wolf running around trying to get ji from his butt. if he wasnt so desperate , he would have laughed too. tae nodged joons arm. "make an end to it. kook isnt here and i need ji to find him and gracie needs me" "fuck... yeah" joon stompt in, caught the alpha and knocked him out. tae helped yoongi and jimin out of their restrains. jimin and yoongi hugged each other tightly immidiatly, they turned together and yoongi hugged his son fastly too. ji growled as a warning, yoongi backed away. "ji? sonny boy?!" "PARK-MIN JIHYUNG!!!" now it was jimin who growled dangerously. jis eyes lost their reddish glow and got normal again. "daddy!!!! are u okay? is my brother ok?" "since when do u call me brother?" jimin looked confused. "he is talking about his baby brother, bebe" "oh...OH!" "sorry to interrupt your happy family time, but kook is still missing!" they all turned to tae. yoongi held his arm and looked apologetic. jimin squated down on jis level and brushed his hair. "i know u had a hard day, ji, but can u smell kook by chance?" ji looked to uncle tae. "shirt? sweater? towel?" he raised his arm to tae. "in the car" "okay, i think we should go to the car than and he...." joon heaved up the knocked out wolf. ".... is coming with us. i have a lot of questions"


they froze and looked all at jin, who raised up, covert in blood, with a bloody object in his hand. he noticed them and smiled. "oh hey! finally!" he fastly looked at the object. "sorry tae, but i am afraid u need to buy gracie a new doll" "that was her favourite!" joon finally got out of his shock and fastly pulled jin from the dead bodys away. he grabbed his face and scant him up and down. "are u okay? are u hurt?" jin chuckled. "i am okay" joon hugged him. "what happend?" "after u two played the knights in shining armor, i had some visitors who wanted to harm grace....and a bit me, so i had to defend us. and i just had the doll in hand, sorry about that again tae" "did i ever told u how much i love u?" jin smiled wide. "hm.... u can proof it tonight" he whispered in joons ear. tae opend the trunk and got his bag out. he pulled kooks work-out sweater out and handed it to ji. "can u smell him with that?"

ji inhaled the scent and nodded. he ran around with his nose up again and tried to get a presence of kook. the grown ups and lill grace watched him. after a while he returned to them, tilted his head and came close to the wolf. he sniffed on him, scrunched his face first, but tried it again with a deep inhale. "ji?" the boy looked up with the red glow in his eyes again and pointed at the wolf. "he knows. he has uncle kooks smell on him" tae sighed in relieve. the car was packed when they drove back to joons and jins home. the wolf got thrown into a hip-tall/short cage and all gather around in the kitchen to work out a plan. joon whiped jins face clean with a wet towel, tae fed his daughter, his face was still distraught, yoongi helped jimin by feeding him and ruffeld jis hair, while he stuck his face almost into the plate.


kook coughed out and tried to open his eyes. they were so heavy, he was exhausted and felt like he was rolled over by a car. he tried to see where he was, but the room looked too unfamiliar to him. the door opend and kook turned slowly his pounding head with an agonizing moan. "where am i?" his voice was thin. the man came to his bed and elegantly sat down on the chair. he crossed his legs and his hands were leaned on his knees. kook blinked a few times to get a clear sight. "...you???" the man grinned. "welcome back human" kook sighed and leand his head back on the headboard. he closed his eyes due to his awful headache. "u were a human once too" he hissed. eduard laughed. "thats a looong time ago." "what do u want from me?" ed tilted his head and showed his sucker teeth. "i have to admid i am tempted to keep u. u taste.... interesting.... but unfortunatly i want someone else and i need leverage to get that person." kook sighed. "u ... fed on me?" he sounded upset. "only taehyung is aloud to do that" ed laughed out loud.

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