18. punishment

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the camp was growded. the higher up suckers (king and his "parliament") of this territory came and first the air around was awkward. both groups stared at each other in suspicion. lucien pulled ji to the other kind and both parties bowed politley. "king raymond" "ray, please. u must be ji. i heard a lot from u" he pointed with his chin at joon. ji smiled and nodded. "uncle joon hopefully didnt told u all?!" ray laughed. "let us speak in private?" lucien suggested.


raymond, joon, lucien and ji sat down. after they had something to drink, they started.

"i see and understand that change has come. joon told me about the new hybrids and i must say, that i wasnt .... happy? ... at first, but as he said, changes have to happen. just... what will happen with the hybrids? will they turn, like wolves, will they need blood like us, what will the life expectancy be?" lucien held his hand up. "hm... we should have the doc here to answer all questions. i think he will be here in the evening" "good... the rest?" "true, they will be half half, they will need blood. jis brother, jae, yoongis and jimins son, needs blood and milk, right, ji?" they all looked at ji.

"i can hear them, when they are still inside. thats the wolf trait, they need a lot of blood too, so the omegas need transfusions. jae started with my blood. he told me, he needed it, but dad made him drink formula too. as i understand it, they will have a long, very long life, but they will die eventually. i couldnt see my brothers wolf yet, but i think he is too young tho. do u have other questions?" the sucker king looked impressed at his little counter king. "u are... very mature for your age" "thanks" ji grinned. "he is still wet behind his ears" lucien tuned in. "so, my elite suckers are dads or going to be.... i still cant wrap my head around it" "its like with the soul bond, the matething" ji shrugged.


"are they talking?" hobi stood next to jimin and yoongi. "yeah" "i am concerned" jimin stated. "why?" "ji is all alone in there" "he is not, my love is with him" hobi smiled proudly. yoongi narrowed his eyes. "u know...i never asked...what is lucien?" "what he is?" "omega or ...alpha...?" "oh... shoot, i never asked" jimin and yoongi rolled their eyes. "please ask him" jimin snorted and went to the kitchen area to get the bottle for jae. "oh its your turn with the diaper change!" "oh no.... he is really a stinker" "he is your son" jimin punshed yoongis arm.


"we need to have a fair trial, even tho i am up for an execution right away" ray growled. "but we need one and together. he betrayed both of our groups. he wanted to snack on me" ray scoffed. "not only a child, but a king! what the fuck was he thinking" "and i think we need to make an investigation. he wont be the only one with snack-from-a-child tendencies" joon stated. "yeah, i want u to make a team and get the bad apples out of our kingdom! i dont want those kind with us! they are a disgrace!" ray punshed the table. "calm down, please. if u want, we will help u with it. ed had rogues with him. its also our concern. i dont wanna have my brother and my cousins in danger by any of those....creatures" "agree"

"excuse me....buuut...." hobi came to them. "hope... what can i do for u?" ray smiled. "ed killed my soul, i want revenge" ray nodded slowly. "the trial will determine his punishment, i think its only fair, that u should be the executioner for his punishment" ray looked at ji. the boy nodded. "u have the right, uncle hobi" hope exhaled a long breath. he looked at lucien. "do u think u are ... sure to do it?" lucien asked him. hobi nodded. "its my right and i need to do it. are u against it, love?" lucien shook his head. "i just dont want u to hurt anymore" ray looked from lucien to hope and back. "what?" "oh, uncle hobi found his new soul in lucien. it surprised us all, how fast it happened" "congrats?!... why on earth are all my elites now bound with wolves?!" ji shrugged. "it happens... " "change is really huge.... wow"

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