3. joons stalker

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it looked like his meal would virtually offer himself to him. he tilted his head and stopt right infront of jin. the creature smiled. "what took u so long?!" "are u so eager to die?" "u are not going to kill me. i know u have other plans in mind" he wiggled his brows. joon really looked confused again. "do i?" jin nodded and gave him a wet kiss. joon tried to scub away, but the narrow street didnt gave him a chance to do so. jin took advantage of the location and pressed himself onto joon, wrapped a leg around joons hip and pinned him so in a body trap. joon moaned out, when jins hand rubbed against his cock.

jin tilted his head back and smiled at him again. "looks like u like that" joon rolled his eyes, when jin found a way into joons pants. "fuck....what are u up to?" his strange eyes glanced at jins. jin licked over joons lips and whispered "come on, big boy. give it to me. if u are good, i let u suck" joon was taken aback, grinned and smashed his lips onto his. jins hands crawled into joons hair, grabbing him to get him closer. joon let out a loud moan. jin snickert and his hand was back down there, strocking him. joons teeth came out from the arousel, jin moaned when he saw them and offered his neck to him. joon looked for agreement and after a slight nod he pressed his teeth into the skin. jin moaned again and grabbed joons head to press him harder into him. joon was still amazed, never had a meal offered him/itself so willingly. althou never without getting hypnotized first. and this one was getting even off of it! jin stopt stroking him and held him tight, joon could feel jins hard cock and while he sucked on the blood, he undid his and jins jeans fully, turned him fastly around, pushed him into the wall, spread the cheeks and shoved his cock in. jins blood still drippeled out of his neckwound, joon licked the spot clean, while he was thrusting hard into a moaning jin.


joon noticed that he had a shadow. his hair on his neck stood up. he wondert and looked for it, he needed to know if it was danger or not. but he saw nodoby, who set his alarmsenses off. suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to a smiling jin. joon flinshed away. "u?" "hi!" "what.... are u stalking me?!" jin nodded with a wider smile. "yeah" "why?" "u are fascinating" joon looked dumbfounded. "did u already eat?" "are u offering again?" jin nodded eagerly. joon came very close, his nose touched jins. "why?" jin felt his breath on his face. he closed his eyes in anticipation. joon stept back. he shook his head. "stop following me" jin looked disappointed, he grabbed on joons shirt and pulled him close again. "dont let me hanging here!" he begged with big eyes and pursed lips. joon sighed big. he had to resist. this was a dangerous situation! he backed away again. "dont stalk me" turned and almost ran away. jin stood there in disbelieve.

jin looked for a new book and kneeled down at the shelfs. joon watched him. their last encounter was 2 weeks ago and joon knew that jin was still stalking him. and now joon turned the tables, because he got worried. he didnt feel jin in his near today, so he hunt jin down. now he saw why he wasnt throwing himself onto him. books! joon scoffed, but hid around the corner. he watched him for a long time, after jin finally chose his book, he followed him around the town. jin entered his small apartment building after his errands and stept into his small home. he put the bags on the table, starting to put his groceries away and sway along to the radio. he showered and plunched on his sofa watching tv for a while. tired he went to his bed and layed down.

a sudden touch let him scream and jump out of his bed. hands grabbed him and put him into a tight hug. "u let me starving" jin, visible shaking, punshed the intruder. "are u fucking kidding me? first u pushed me away and now u are complaining?" his face got red from anger. joon looked apologatic and pulled is furious meal back into his arms. he shoved his nose into jins neck and inhaled his smell. jin still wasnt having it and tried to get away from him. joon held him tighter and pressed his lips onto jins. they fought against each other, until joon pushed him, fed up, onto the bed and sat down on jins thighs. "let me go! and get out of my house!" jin hissed and tried to get joon off him. joon grinned and held his arms above his head. he tilted his and starred jin down. eventually jin stopt moving. "u rejected me... why are u here now?" he panted hard and tried to avoid joons eyes. if he looked into them, jin knew he would crumble down. "look at me" jin closed his eyes and shook his head. NOPE!

"no, u are only gonna hypnotize me!" "i will not. i like it when u are clear" his voice was so seductive that jin had to bite his teeth together to not do what joon expected him to do. joon grinned widley again. he knew that he had jin on the hook. joon got up from jin, spread his legs agressivly, layed down on him and held jins arms above his head again. "i said get off me!" jin complained and wiggled around to get out of joons grib. joons eyes sparkle and jin shocked noticed he stared back at him. "shit"

joons grin got evil. "u should stop moving around, if u wanna avoid for what i am here for" jin stopt immidiatly. joon licked around jins neck, kissed his face until he stopt on the lips. jin felt desperate with joons lips so close to him and still couldnt feel them. jins body reacted violantly to joon and both knew it and felt it. joon smiled and finally gave him his lips. jin immidiatly kissed back hard, let his tongue play with the other and started to relax under this hot creature. joon let jins arms go, to trail his own down on jins body, jins hands wrapped around joons neck and pulled him closer down on him to deepen the kisses. joon sighed when he heard jins moans and sighes.

his lips moved from slowly and softly to fast and rough. jins hands trailed down joons back to his butt, squeezed it and pressed it more into his hips, he needed friction. joon understood and peeled him slowly out of his nightclothes. jin moaned annoyed and tried to get his pants faster away from his body, grabbing for joons. but joon wiggled his finger infront of jins face. "no no no! stay still!" jins face showed torture. joons lips and tongue conquered his body and enjoyed every wince, whimper, squeel and demands out of jins mouth. he even cursed profoundly. joon chuckled.

"what a filthy mouth u have! i should teach u some manners!" "yeah u totally should" jin eagerly nodded and tried to get joons lips again, but he tilted his head everytime away. jin got whiny and restless. "joon!" he almost screamed at him. the culprit smiled smug at him and finally got out of his clothes. jin sighed in relieve, now he would get the honey. he placed himself into a more comfortable posistion for what was to come. joon kneeled on the bed and stroked his hard cock. his eyes never left jins face, he liked it so much, how much power he had over him. his vitim came up and while he kissed him his hands toched joons cock, pulled joons hand away and he got feverish with his movements. joons now free hands sqeezed jins cheeks, slit inbetween and teased the hole. jins moans became louder and faster. joons fingers got into the tight hole and thrusted hard into it. jin screamed moan after moan out, he shoved himself into joons body and held him tighter. joon could feel that jin was about to come soon, he stopt his movements, chuckled at jins annoyed complains and turned him on his tummy. he pushed his cock in and started with very deep and hard thrusts. jins moans became more tortured, joon hit him on the right spot, but not fast enough to get his high. jin got out of his posistion, pushed joon onto the bed and sat down on his cock again. jins fast ride let finally joons moans out in excitement.

"now tell me" jin opend an eye and pursed his lips. "what?" "how did u know what i am? and why did u offer yourself to me so easily?" jin sighed. "when i noticed u first, i was fascinated by u and so i followed u everywhere when i had the time" "u mean stalked me" joon dryly replied. jin smiled lightly and shrugged. "as i said, u were fascinating. i couldnt stay away, so i had to get your attention and i got it" he smiled widely. joon was amazed and shook his head. "i could have killed u" "no u wouldnt" "why do u think that?" "i saw your eyes" jooon raised a brow and smirked "and that let u to belive i wont suck the life out of u?" "yeah" joon was surprised. "i still can kill u in a second" "u can, but that would be stupid" "why that?" "cause i taste too good" joon laughed out loud. "u are really something!" he pulled him into a tight embrace. jin smiled, nuzzled into joons chest.

 jin smiled, nuzzled into joons chest

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