9. arrivals

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jin felt better than ever and started his university courses. he had to learn a lot, cause he didnt went to some the last few weeks. jins days were filled with his studies and taking care of joon. he didnt have anytime to think about the strange days he had before.


yoongi got a call from the doctor and was urgend to come to the house. curious and worried he arrived at the docs office. he didnt say a word to jimin. "good day doc. whats the matter?" "come, sit down" he waited for yoongi to sit down and focused on him. "so?!" yoongis stared at the doc. the doc sighed and sat down too. "we should do some more tests on your partner" "okay...?!" the doc fidged his hands. "i think the tests gave me a wrong conclusion" "that can happen.... what is the conclusion?" "....pregnant" he almost whispered. "what was it? what u said?" "...pregnant" yoongi looked shocked and than laughed hystericaly. he held his stomach. "come on! he is a man! i am a sucker!....how the hell....?!" "thats what i ment" yoongi sighed. "i will come with him here today. i wanna know what it is" "anything else happend?" "he doesnt feel sick anymore. he....let me say....is certainly himself again....maybe a bit too much?!" he grinned. "a sexual overdrive?" "u can say that" yoongi grinned again of the thought what a day and night they had yesterday. the doc didnt look happy. "what?" "he pukes blood. he wants bloody food, his body aches, he and his body are sensetiv all of the sudden, he has a sudden sexdrive... thats all indications for a pregnancy...." "but again! he is a man and i am a vampire. i cant produce semen! and jimin doesnt have a womb! how should this work?!" "i got myself informed and it is possible, very rare, but it happend before" "how?" "when the partner has wolves in his family line. doesnt even have to be a full wolf by himself, a drop of it is enough." "stop shitting me! suckers and wolves dont mingle together, they are natural enemies and the stench alone keeps us apart!" yoongi was shocked and furious. "as i said just one drop of wolfs blood is enough and he wont have the smell on him" yoongi crumbeld down in his seat. he was baffled. "u are saying that i slept with a wolf and somhow impregnated him?!" "yes" "still how? i am .... dry out down there" "u were young when u died, so its possible that u still had some of your soldiers in your...sack and the mating with a wolf tickled them out" yoongi still looked dumbfounded. "FUCK!" he needed time to process the whole situation. after some time, he looked at the doc again. "what u need?" "some bloodsamples and we should make an ultrasound scan, just to make sure." "can u test if he is a wolf?" "yes i will immidiatly" "from all humans i choose a wolf as my partner" he sighed and rubbed his face.

deep in thoughts he drove home to pick up jimin. he saw him and ji in the garden. tears came into his eyes. he loved them, with his whole heart, he loved them. why the fuck should he push them away, just because the suckers and the wolves never had good relations?! this was his life! this was his family! this was his choice! yoongi composed his expression and got out of the car and walked to them. ji yelled a "dad" out and jumped into yoongis arms. yoongi smiled and kissed his son. jimin smiled wide and came to them. yoongis eyes got big. *how on earth could i break up with this angel?! NEVER!* he caressed jimins face and kissed him deep. "we need to go to the doc. he needs to do more tests" jimin looked worried but agreed. he also wanted to know what was wrong with him.


tae stalked the mother. he saw what she did for living, he saw what she did, or in this case, mostly didnt do for the child. this angel of a 1 1/2 years old girl had a terrible life. the high mother noticed him and smiled with some teeth missing and tried to look sexy. but she noticed quickly that he wasnt interested in her. she shoved her daughter closer to him. "u can have her, if the price is right" tae looked disgusted at her. he grabbed her, from the drugs worn out face and hypnotized her. she will forget to have a child ever, she will take an overdose today.

tae came home with the baby girl. kooks eyes almost fell out. "tae?!" "our daughter... say hi" kook took the girl from taes arms. he kissed the scared child gently and smiled at her. "did u steal her?!" he hissed at tae. "no... i ll tell u later. lets get her some stuff" kook was still confused. they drove to the next mall and tae got into a shopping spree. kook had to stop him, when it got too much. they returned back home with a load of kids stuff. happy and excited tae tried to build up the bed of his new daughter. kook changed her diapers, gave her something to eat and while tae was still busy with the bed, he layed her down on theirs. he watched taes trys and shook his head. "let me do it" "but why doesnt this fit?" "do it with me" they worked together. "now tell me" tae told him the whole story. "and the papers?" "i will hypnotized one of the officials at the mayors office to get all the papers. what name do u wana give her?" "i am choosing?" tae nodded. "i want a name we both like" after some time they managed to finish the bed and looked at it proudly. "now lets get some sleep too, we can do the rest tomorrow" tae stated and after a long shower, they crawled on their bed with their daughter inbetween.

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