7. to be a family

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the next morning came and everybody drove home again. the group made plans to meet at joons house in a few days.

tae heaved his suitcase up the stairs, kook shook smiling his head and almost hopped the stairs up like a balletdancer. tae panted hard when he arrived the bedroom. "uff....why did i had so much clothes with me?" kook chuckled. "because u are a lable queen" tae glarred at him. kook laughed. "come here, i ll help u" he heaved the suitcase up on the bed and opend it. "why are u stronger than me?" "u didnt eat yesterday." "i ate!" "not much, not as usual" tae sighed. "didnt have much hunger yesterday." "sorry if i opend old wounds" "no its okay. i had to tell u anyway" he started to put out his clothes. "tae..." tae didnt react. "tae, look at me!" still he didnt react. kook turned him around. "taehyung... i love u" "i know. i love u too. let me get my stuff out" "tae..." he grabbed taes chin and made him look at him. "whats wrong?" "nothing" "tae?" tae looked away. "i thought i am over with it... sorry" tears streamed suddenly down. kook hugged him tight. "sorry baby. i am so sorry" "its not your fault. i am so stupid! its centuries ago! i should be over with it a long time ago!" "shshshsht... let it out. its okay. i am here for u" tae pressed his face into kooks neck and cried hard.


jin started to cook. but he wasnt with his mind with his doing. he thought about what joon told him. he accepted the fact, that joon was married, he accepted that he had lovers before him, he just ... "oh my god i am jealous on dead people!" "did u say something?" joon came around the corner. "huh? oh no, i just figured something stupid out" "what is it?" "nothing really..." he shook his head. "joon?" "yeah" "i am now your family, right?" joon stopt midway and turned to him. "yes.... u are...?!" jin nodded his head. "so the boys are like your brothers, my brothers in law, their partners too.... we are even uncles to ji.... " he nodded with every sentence. joon looked confused. "yes?" "hm... so dont be sad. u have a big family" "yes... why are u talking about it now? your food is burning" "oh! shit!" joon chuckled. "babe? whats going on?" "do u want kids too?" "what?" "children?! yoongi is so proud to have ji and he loves him really a lot" joon looked shocked. "do u? want kids?" jin tilted his head, than smiled. "would be nice, wouldnt it?" joon had to sit down. "jin... u know what i am and u know what u are... we cant have kids" "we can adopt, i know i cant press them out" he scrunched his face in annoyance. "u wanna adopt? who would give us children?" jin shrugged. "we will find a way" joon sighed.


yoongi stood outside and looked at the garden and the fassade of his house. jimin came out with ji and the boy ran immidiatly to his dad, who scubed him up and threw him in the air. ji laughed out loud. "carefull! he just ate a lot!" jimin warned yoongi. "okayyyyy... i wont turn u into a puking fountain!" ji laughed even more. "what are u doing out here?" jimin came closer and looked also at the house. "i just thought we need some paint and a playground with a swing for ji" "haaa.... yeah some paint would do good" "a swing and a bridge and ..." "an advanture playground?!" "yeahy!!!" ji raised his arms. "thats too expensive ji!" jimin scold them. yoongi and ji looked disappointed. "why? we have a lot of money!" "who has?" "we" "how?" yoongi let ji down and held jimins hands. "bebe, i collected a lot of money over the years. i never really spent it. now we can" jimins eyes almost plopped out. "how....how much?" "a lot?" "whats a lot?" "wow... u married me only for my money?" jimin slapped yoongis head. "shithead! you told me just now. i didnt know" yoongi chuckled. "u and ji never have to think about money anymore, ok?!" jimin nodded and sighed. "yoongi?" "yeah?" "we never talked about turning me" yoongi looked surprised. "u want that?" "i dont know. but i know i dont wanna get old, like alice." he scrunched his face. yoongi laughed. "u dont want to get wrinkles?" "no! u will be young and i will look old. everybody will think i am your sugerdaddy!" yoongi laughed more. jimin punshed his arm.

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